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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Rajya ni madhyamik ane uchchtar madhyamik shalaoma Computer shikshak ni Laykat ane Rasio nakki karva babat Paripatra

Rajya ni madhyamik ane uchchtar madhyamik shalaoma Computer shikshak ni Laykat ane Rasio nakki karva babat Paripatra

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Rajya ni madhyamik ane uchchtar madhyamik shalaoma Computer shikshak ni Laykat ane Rasio nakki karva babat Paripatra

SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination 2019-20

SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination 2019-20

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has published an Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2019. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below in the advertisement.
Exam Name: Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) 

Lower Division Clerk / Junior Secretariat 
Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant 
Data Entry Operator

Educational Qualification: Candidates who have passed their 10+2 Level (Higher Secondary Level) of Examination from any recognized board will be considered for this recruitment. Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.

Age Limit: Details will be available on 03-12-2019

Application Fees: Details will be available on 03-12-2019

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on the Computer Based Test(Tier I & tier-II), Typing/Skill Test.

How to Apply: Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.

Important Dates:

Starting Date of Online Application: 03-12-2019
Last Date to Apply Online & Online Fee payment: 01-01-2020
Last Date of Offline Fee Payment: 02-01-2019
Exam Date (Tier I): 16 – 27 March 2020

Notification: Link will be activated on 03-12-2019

Ekam Kasoti 3 thi 5 Dhoran wise Time Table.

Ekam Kasoti 3 thi 5 Dhoran wise Time Table.

Ready to Print Dhoran Wise Ekam Kasoti Samay Patrak. Bija Satranu Ekam Kasoti Samay Patrak Download karo. ekam kasoti samay patrak created by pravindabhani. dhoran 3 thi 5 nu ekam kasoti time table download and print.

Ekam Kasoti Pariptra26/11/2019. Ekam Kasoti Sandarbhe latest suchnao. Ekam Kasoti nu Paper BRC ne Dar guruvare moklvama aavshe. Shukravarna roj School ma mokalvama aavshe. shikshak board par kasoti lakhavshe. athva zerox pan karavi shakshe. zerox no kharch school composite grant manthi kari shakashe.

Important Link :

Dhoran Wise Time table : click Here
Download circular : CLick Here


Ekam Kasoti paper Solution
Date 30/11/2019 std 3 to 8
Unit test paper Solution

Ekam kasoti paper Solution

Learning goals - A teacher-developed description of what the student will know and be able to do at the end of a course based upon an overarching idea for the academic or elective discipline. A teacher will know that they have an effective learning goal when the knowledge or skill can be applied to life outside the classroom. Learning goals provide a common thread that link all units and learning situations within a course. It often answers the question, "What is the BIG idea?"
Assessments - Valid assessments should support the student progress toward meeting an enduring understanding within the learning goal. The assessments should be based upon standards-aligned to the learning goal. Formative assessment should be collected at multiple points in the semester to determine if the students are on pace to meet the learning goal in the final summative assessment.
Unit test paper Solution
Ekam kasoti paper Solution Date 30/11/2019 STD 3 to 8
One way to motivate reluctant learners to engage in rigorous academic achievement is to add relevance to their instruction and assessments. For example, when working with a literacy standard dealing with non-fiction reading comprehension it would be beneficial to use real-world documents like an electric bill or an over-the-counter children's pain relief label. The students apply their reading comprehension strategies to documents that they are likely to encounter in the future.
Instructional timeframe - A SLO can occur within any given timeframe between pre-assessment and post-assessment, but the recommended time period is one academic year.
Unit test paper Solution
Ekam kasoti paper Solution
Std 3 to 8
Std 7 Social Science
click here to Download
Std 6 Maths
click here to Download
Std 8 English
click here to Download

Std 3 click here to Download
Std 4 click here to Download
Std 5 click here to Download

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The retirement age limit for employees will not be increased from 60 years to 58 years: Central Govt

The retirement age limit for employees will not be increased from 60 years to 58 years: Central Govt
(Source: Divybhaskar)
Union Minister Jitendra Singh
Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh provided information in writing to the Lok Sabha
The Government may review the work under the Central Civil Service Rules
The government forcibly retired 21 corrupt tax officers
The central government said on Wednesday that the retirement age of government employees should not be increased from 60 to 58 years. This was stated by Employee State Minister Jitendra Singh in the Lok Sabha in response to a question. "The Central Civil Service (Pension) Rule gives the government the right to review the work of employees from time to time," he said. Under this, if an employee is found to be incompetent or his conduct is degraded, he may be retired ahead of time. To do so is given three months 'notice or a month's allowance or allowance will be given in lieu of it'
'Under this comes Group-A and Group-B employees'
The Union Minister of State said, “This provision applies to Group A and B Government employees. Under this, there will also be employees working in a semi-government organization, who have joined the service before reaching the age of 35 and whose age is more than 50 years.
The Center has taken a strong stance on corruption of government officials. Sources in the finance ministry said on Tuesday that the government had forcibly retired 21 corrupt tax officers. Such officers were falsely accused of making money and collecting wealth. CBI investigations were also going on against many of them. Procedures for removing officers were launched in June. So far, 85 tax officers have been forced to retire, including 64 senior officers.

Std-6 To 8 Bhashadip Activity And PAT Exam Ayojan

Std-6 To 8 Bhashadip Activity And PAT Exam Ayojan
Oursite provides information about all types of new jobs, academic news and competitive exam materials in Gujarat and India. From here you can get different jobs. Such as graduate jobs, engineer jobs, diploma candidate jobs, MBA jobs, low job and various other jobs. Our site is famous for the preparation of competitive exams. We provide complete examination material for examination conducted from TET, HTAT, TAT, Police Examination, Clerk Examination, GPSC Examination, Panchayat Clerical Examination and other Gujarat Levels.
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Std-6 To 8 
Bhashadip Activity &
PAT Exam Ayojan

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 ।। Bhashadip Activity & PAT Exam Ayojan

Salaried employees can’t claim deduction under Section 80GG on rent paid who get HRA (Source: Livemint)

Salaried employees can’t claim deduction under Section 80GG on rent paid who get HRA
(Source: Livemint)

Deduction under Section 80GG is available only to those employees who do not get HRA or to self-employed persons
The deduction limit under the section is ₹60,000 per year

HRAHouse Rent AllowanceRent

The income tax department recently sent notices to a number of salaried employees for claiming deduction for rent paid under Section 80GG of the Income-tax Act, 1961, even though they were receiving house rent allowance (HRA) from their employers.

When it’s available
Deduction under Section 80GG is available only to those employees who do not get HRA (for instance, because they work in very small firms or in the informal sector) or to self-employed persons. The deduction limit under the section is ₹60,000 per year.

When it’s not
Section 80GG is not available to a person who owns a house but lives in a rented house in the same city. For example, if you own a house in Mumbai but choose to stay in a rented accommodation in the same city, you won’t get the benefit under Section 80GG.

Similarly, the benefit is not available to a person who owns a house in another city, and claims tax benefit, such as tax deduction under Section 24(b) for home loan interest, for that house.

LRB Gujarat Document Verification List & Physical Test PET Result Cut off LRB Constable Final Result NEWS at

Gujarat Information Department has published a press note regarding Appointment Letter for the post of LRB Lokrakshak / Constable 2019, Check below for more details.

Ojas LRB Gujarat Police Constable Document Verification List, Time table 2019 or Schedule will be declared before 07th May 2019 on official website Due to General Election of India 2019 Achar sanhita LRB Gujarat Holds the Program of Document Verification and Now Election is Over in Gujarat So LRB Gujarat will Officially publish Document Verification List, Place of Verification, Name of Candidate before 07-05-2019.

LRB Physical Test Result 2019
Today Lokrakshak Recruitment Board LRB Published Physical Test Result 2019 on Candidate who appeared in Police Bharti Ground Test Can Check Physical Exam Result by Entering Roll Number and Date of Birth. This Police Bharti Physical Test had been conducted between 26-02-2019 to 08-03-2019.

Lokrakshak Recruitment Board (LRB) Lokrakshak / Constable Appointment Letter related News Report 2019

Important Links :
Official Press Note : Click Here

Official Site : Click Here

GVK EMRI Recruitment 2019

GVK EMRI Recruitment 2019

GVK EMRI has published notification for Recruitment Various Posts. There are vacant seats are available. Application mode is offline. Interested candidate can attend Walk-in-interview with required documents at the given address at a sharp time. For more details related to GVK EMRI check official website of it. You can check more details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply in below given official notification.
GVK EMRI  Vadodara Recruitment | GVKEMRI Surat Recruitment | GVK EMRI  Valsad Recruitment | GVK EMRI  Rajkot Recruitment | GVK EMRI Ahmedabad Recruitment | GVK EMRI Dahod Recruitment | GVK EMRI Sabarkantha Recruitment | GVK EMRI published Latest Jobs related official notification for the post of Pharmacist, Emergency Medical Technician & Call Center Executive Jobs 2019 at given below link.

GVK EMRI Recruitment for Pharmacist, Emergency Medical Technician, Call Center Executive Post

Name of Jobs :
  • Pharmacist
  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • Call Center Executive

71429; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"> Location: Vadodara / Valsad / Surat / Dahod / Sabarkantha / Rajkot / Ahmedabad
Educational Qualification: Please read Official Jobs notification for more educational qualification details.
Age Limit: Between 18 to 28 years
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply: Apply for mentioned post candidates need to remain present this walk in interview along with all original certificates to given various address in the advertisement.
AdvertisementClick Here
Walk-in-Interview: 29-11-2019 / 30-11-2019
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) Recruitment for Staff Nurse/Brothers & Pharmacist Posts 2019

Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) Recruitment for Staff Nurse/Brothers & Pharmacist Posts 2019
Total Posts: 21 Posts

Posts Name:
• Staff Nurse/Brothers: 19 Posts.
• Pharmacist: 02 Post
Educational Qualification, Age Limit & Other Details: Please Read Official Advertisement.
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.
Important Dates:
• Starting Date for Submission of Online Application: 27-11-2019
• Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 07-12-2019

Advertisement: Click Here

Apply Online & More Details: Click Here

General Hospital, Lunawada Recruitment for Various Posts 2019

General Hospital, Lunawada Recruitment for Various Posts 2019
Total Posts: 04 Posts
Posts Name:
• Counsellor: 01 Post
• Dental Assistant: 01 Post
• Staff Nurse: 01 Post
• Psychiatric Social Worker: 01 Post
Educational Qualification & Other Details: Please Read Official Advertisement.
Selection Process: interview.
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible candidates are requested to remain present along with all original certificates to given address in the advertisement.
Interview Date: 10-12-2019

Advertisement: Click Here

BPL New List Gujarat 2019

BPL New List Gujarat 2019.

Apply BPL Card | Download BPL List Online in GUJARAT– Apply for BPL Ration Card in GUJARATOnline. Application Form can be submitted through the Food and Supply Office (DFSO) in GUJARAT.
You can also Check Your BPL Ration Card Status, BPL List and Search BPL Card Holders of GUJARAT State/UT Onlinne.

Stay Connected For Daily Updates About Education And Study Materials For All Compititive Exam And Also Updates Useful Links For All People.

BPL List Jova Mate Click Here

Vhali Dikari Yojana (Gujarat) Form Download In PDF file.

Vhali Dikari Yojana (Gujarat) Form Download In PDF file.

Do you know that in the Gujarat stage 30% of Girls drop out the school before reaching the class IXth and 57 % girls dropped the School before reaching the intermediate. Gujarat State Government has launched the Vahali Dikri Yojana on the basis of other state Girls incentive schemessuch as Rajasthan (Raj Shree Yojana), Haryana (Ladli Scheme), Karnataka (Bhagyashree Scheme), Maharashtra (Majhi Kanya Bhagyashree Scheme), West Bengal (Kanya Prakalpa Scheme) and Madhya Pradesh(Ladli Laxmi Yojana).

IPL 2022 Point Table
Total 10 teams will play in IPL 2022 but only one lucky team will get trophy. The team will get 2 points for each win and 0 for the defeat. If for some reason the result of the match does not come, then in that case both the teams get 1-1 points.

Objective of Vahali Dikri Yojana 2019:
To Improve the Birth Ratio, Increase the Education Ration of Girls, to save the future of Girls and to promote Girl Child Birth Gujarat Government has announced to start Vahali Dikri Yojana (Dear Daughter Scheme) 2019. Under the Scheme Government will Pay three times Financial support to the parents of girls. The incentive under Daughter Scheme will be given for first and second daughters of the family. Vahali Dikri Scheme will definitely prevent female feticide, promote the education of girls and provide a substantial sum to fund for higher education and wedding of girls.
application fee for the most common nonimmigrant visa types is $160. This includes tourist, business, student and exchange visas. Most petition-based visas, such as work and religious visas, are $190. K visas cost $265 and the fee. amount for E visas is $205.The application fee for the most common nonimmigrant visa types is US$160. This includes tourist, business, student, and exchange visas. Most petition-based visas, such as work and religious visas, are US$190. K visas cost US$265and the fee amount for E visas is US$205.How long does it take to receive the visa? It is advisable to apply for a Schengen Tourist Visa at least 2 weeks prior to the planned trip. The Embassy Consulate will then reply in 10 working days as common (or less as usually occurs), the time taken to proceed all thedocumentatio and the travelers request.

Stay Connected For Daily Updates About Education And Study Material For All Compititive exam and Also Updates Useful Links For All People.

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