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Thursday, November 21, 2019

All information on the website will be uploaded for transparency in subsidy

All information on the website will be uploaded for transparency in subsidy

👉All information will be uploaded on the website for transparency in gas subsidy
Due to the various subsidies, scholarships given to the citizens of India by the government, the beneficiaries are being arranged and the transparency
As a result of depositing gas subsidy directly into the subscriber's bank account by the number indicated in the support card, the name of which will be gas connections will be linked to the bank account number base. If gas connection is running in the name of others to get gas subsidy, then it is necessary to transfer gas to them. According to one estimate, 11,500 gas-holders in Bhavnagar district are using gas bottles in the name of someone else

providing all subsidy, scholarship and other government economic benefits directly to the beneficiary are linked to the support card and bank account by the central government. But if the gas holder uses gas connections in the name of someone else, they will not get the benefit of the subsidy.

As a result of depositing gas subsidy directly into the subscriber's bank account by the number indicated in the support card, the name of which will be gas connections will be linked to the bank account number base. If gas connection is running in the name of others to get gas subsidy, then it is necessary to transfer gas to them. According to one estimate, 11,500 gas-holders in Bhavnagar district are using gas bottles in the name of someone else

As a result of depositing gas subsidy directly into the subscriber's bank account by the number indicated in the support card, the name of which will be gas connections will be linked to the bank account number base. If gas connection is running in the name of others to get gas subsidy, then it is necessary to transfer gas to them. According to one estimate, 11,500 gas-holders in Bhavnagar district are using gas bottles in the name of someone else.

How many subsidized bottles have been consumed by the gas-holders in a year by the central government and government oil firms, and how many bottles of subsidy is left in the customer's account. Whether the amount of subsidy is deposited in the bank account or not, at which date all the information will be collected through the website of the citizen's credentials deposited in the bank

How many subsidized bottles have been consumed by the gas-holders in a year by the central government and government oil firms, and how many bottles of subsidy is left in the customer's account. Whether the amount of subsidy is deposited in the bank account or not, at which date all the information will be collected through the website of the citizen's credentials deposited in the bank

case of the death of the gas holder, the contract has to be submitted before the notice to do gas connection in the name of any other member of the family. And it has to be deposited by the gas agency later. However, there is no need to provide additional security deposits in this process of transferring the name.

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