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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Gujarati Rashi Bhavishy 2020 :: Dhan Rashi Bhavishy

Gujarati Rashi Bhavishy 2020 :: Dhan Rashi Bhavishy

1. The year of Jupiter planet
The lord of your zodiac will revolve at the twelfth of Jupiter, making more and more travel yoga. Overall, your guru can cost you the most. Laxmji's income will be good if you do not freeze, but you cannot save. There are more chances for government jobs this year from Gurukirpa. Social problems will be overcome.

2. The year of the planet Saturn
The planet Saturn will remain in your zodiac sign that cannot be changed throughout the year. Overall you can say that there is a second phase of one and a half. For this reason you can suffer from physical pain, financial pain, siblings pain, fear, stress. Overcoming Negative Thoughts

3. Yearbook of Rahu planet
With your zodiac, orbiting Rahu's seventh position can give you success and victory. Getting rich with dignity will increase your happiness and enthusiasm. Rahu may cause you to become more important in the important and service functions of society. Spend your time well because of service activities.

4. Marriages and Couples
The coming year is going to bring a lot of happiness to your marriage and marriage. For any reason, the dissolution between husband and wife is eliminated. The bitterness that has arisen in the small talk can be resolved. With the help of your wife you can achieve victory everywhere. Your excitement will increase as your wedding date is decided this year. The spouse you were looking for will get what you want. May your heart be glad when it comes to the good news of marriage.

5. Health and travel
At the beginning of the year, your planets are not cooperating with you, so take special care in physical matters. Take medicines on time. Do not delay in making any medical report. The yoga of an operation that causes lung, intestinal problems cannot be ruled out. Parents' health should make you worried. A beautiful tour can be planned for this year. Traveling with family socially becomes more important for your peace of mind. Religious tours increase your confidence.

6. Children and Practice
This year the offspring and the year of study will be a mixed fruit. What you're preparing for the arrival of the little guest is done. You can find children, especially through medication or a link. You will find relief in the admission, examination or other matters of the children. However, you might have to think more about the question of offspring's foreign studies. Study is going to be more important this year for students. Opportunity to find a job can be obtained by completing a master's degree. Hard work has to be done in geography, history and language subjects.

7. Jobs and business
A job can be considered a source of income. You can earn a lot of respect from your boss by working diligently in the place where you work. In the middle of the year, he may have to quit his job for personal reasons. It is advisable not to do this year if you have invested more in the business in the previous year. Other businesses can be established if the money invested in the business comes back. The best time to start working on a new project is.

8. Land-building-property
This year's additions to the inheritance-raising property may be made this year. You can consider a plan such as a green house to take arable land that will be beneficial. This year you can build the house you need. Investments can be made during the year in places like plots, shops, factory sheds, petrol pumps. Adding a partner to your property can be a plus. Overall, this year is good in terms of wealth.

9. Enemy-Court-Office
Due to planetary orbits, you can get into animosity with someone even if you don't want to. The enemy does not have to be an outsider. It can also be from a family. Small differences can cause family-to-family relationships. During the year, there may be friction in relation to land division on brother issue. You can take the help of a family member or a courtroom that you are upset about. If an old issue goes on in the court, it may be decided through a settlement. Anger without reason or ego can get you into big trouble.

10. Women's Class
For sisters this year may not be as easy as you think. This time you will get some frustration and frustration. In life you may be very enthusiastic, very positive, but at some point this year does not support you. You may be more worried about health problems. By helping your spouse later in the year, cooperating in their business can increase your respect. Your understanding makes everything easier. If you work ethically you will never have any problems.

11. Love Relationships
Love and love have an important place in everyone's life. You will be able to complete the search for a person who can cure your grief, suffering and feelings. You may receive the love of someone you've known for a long time. You can be a great example for really transforming the word love. It is important to keep in mind that with the blessing of parents and elders, any decision should be made. If you are doing this activity just for the fun and pleasure of spending time, then skip it.


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