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Thursday, November 7, 2019



Recruitment to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different
States and Union Territories, 2019 – Candidates qualified in Paper-I for
appearing in Paper-II  Result 2019 Declared


SSC MTS Result 2019 | Staff Selection Commission will discharge the outcome for Multi-entrusting Exam on the official site – Performing multiple tasks Staff (Non – specialized) assessment for the Recruitment of MTS hopefuls will be led by SSC. The competitors who show up in the assessment can check the outcome through the connections gave underneath. The connection for MTS Result 2019 Download will before long be imparted to the up-and-comers after the assessment. A PDF organization of the outcome will likewise be declared for SSC MTS Result 2019 Name Wise. Check your passing status on SSC MTS Result in this article underneath.

Significant Dates for the arrival of SSC MTS Result 2019 

The conditional dates will before long be reported. To locate the affirmed dates for SSC MTS test Result 2019 discharge date, competitors must bookmark the article and keep an ordinary check. Here we will furnish you with the latest reports on the affirmed dates and other significant updates on the enlistment.

SSC MTS Exam Result 2019 

Staff Selection Commission will discharge the test results on the official site of SSC. The Commission will discharge the SSC MTS Regional Result 2019 on the official sites of the local SSC Marks that the applicants acquire in the composed assessments would be referenced on the scorecard alongside their passing status. It is significant that the competitors download the scorecard, and print it out with the end goal of Document Verifications. To download the SSC MTS test Result 2019 the applicants can visit the official site and present their login subtleties and access the official entry.

SSC MTS Paper 1 Result 2019 

The SSC MTS Exam Paper 1 is of a CBT assessment. The competitors will be addressed based on General Intelligence and thinking, Numerical Aptitude, General English, General Awareness. The assessment will be directed on the web. The Computer Based Test will be of 2 hours in particular and complete characteristics of 150. MTS Result 2019 of Paper 1 will make reference to imprints got by the competitors out of 150. 

SSC MTS Paper 2 Result 2019 

The SSC MTS Exam Paper 2 is a distinct paper. The applicant should compose a paper or a letter or an article. The reason for existing is to check the composing expertise of the up-and-comer. The assessment can be endeavored in any of the dialects perceived by eighth Schedule Constitutional Provision. The competitor would be dispensed a period cutoff of 30 minutes. The assessment is qualifying in nature. MTS Result 2019 of Paper 2 will make reference to the imprints got by the competitor out of 50 all out characteristics of the paper.

SSC MTS Final Result 2019 

When the up-and-comers qualify both the papers, they will be brought in for an Interview/Document Verification. The competitor must present all the significant and required archives at the hour of the meeting. Later the fruitful competitors will get the SSC MTS Final Result. This will be trailed by the SSC MTS Merit List with the name of the considerable number of up-and-comers who effectively finished the Recruitment Program.

How to Download the SSC MTS Result 2019? 

MTS Result 2019 Download will be accessible on the official site. The up-and-comers can visit the official site of the Staff Selection Commission and present their login subtleties to download the outcome. It will likewise be accessible locale – astute and name shrewd. The up-and-comers would have the option to check the SSC MTS Regional Result 2019 just as Seat Number Wise. 

In SSC MTS Result Seat Number and Name Wise the outcome will specify the names of all the fruitful competitor alongside the imprints got by the up-and-comers. Following steps can be taken to download the outcome.

Visit the official site of SSC. 

Check for the connection of SSC MTS Result. 

Select your locale/state.

The competitor needs to present their login subtleties.

The connection will show up.

Snap on the connection of MTS Exam Result. 

Snap and download the PDF arrangement of the outcome.

Check the outcome and download.

Print the outcome on an A4 Sheet of paper for the future reference

Subtleties referenced on the SSC MTS Result 

The SSC MTS Result will make reference to the imprints and the passing status of the up-and-comer. The up-and-comer must check the subtleties referenced on the outcome before downloading it. MTS Exam Result 2019 for each paper will be discharged in the PDF position as it were. Following subtleties are referenced on the scorecard.

Name of the up-and-comer

Move Number of the Candidate

Date of birth of the applicant

class of the competitor

Subject-wise marks

All out Score acquired by the competitor

The dismissal or temporary status

Qualifying status

The position of the up-and-comer in every assessment

SSC MTS Result 2019 | Cut off 

Staff Selection Commission will before long report the Paper shrewd SSC MTS 2019 Result and afterward the SSC MTS Cut off 2019 Region – astute on its official site the Cut off Marks can be gotten by the area. The Cut off portrays the base imprints required to effectively clear an assessment. The competitors must get the base imprints referenced in the Cut off List. On the off chance that the up-and-comer neglects to acquire the base imprints referenced in the Cut off they won't have the option to show up for the following degree of assessment.
Result_Click Here to Download  

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