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Friday, July 31, 2020

Old Pansion Scheme Vs New Pansion Scheme

Old Pansion Scheme Vs New Pansion Scheme

Important Link : 

Read Details in Gujarati : From Here

 As a teacher, you want your students to achieve the best possible results from their science education.  This will give them insights and opportunities to gain opportunities and experiences in their lives.  Many family children may go to school for the first time, which is both exciting and challenging for them.  Classroom atmosphere should be interesting and creative.  This will encourage the children to go and for the purpose of getting a full education.  Gives momentum to their interest and creativity, they will be encouraged to go to school and pursue meaningful education.

 There are many opportunities for you and your students to use the classroom environment in a more constructive way, which can stimulate their interest and foster their experience.  These ideas can also be applied to any science subject.  This unit uses the subject of germination as an example.  There are some possibilities to enhance the learning environment, but you can apply these ideas to any science subject.

 What you can learn in this unit

 How and why is it important to develop your classroom learning environment?

 How do you study the interactions between you and your students that can affect the environment and student achievement?

 How to improve your learning environment by being resourceful?

 Why this approach is important

 The physical environment of the classroom and the social and emotional environment have a significant impact on your students' learning.  Creating a positive environment of nurtured learning for yourself and for your students can be done in many ways, at little or no expense.

 Teaching activities are most inspiring when they involve students to either explore the problem practically.  Or actively develop thinking skills by solving problems.  As a teacher you have to take initiative to lead your students on this path.  Your students can then be closely involved.  In addition, you need to think carefully about what kind of physical environment you want in the classroom.  If you work in school with some materials, it may not be easy, but by being resourceful, you can create a colorful and inspiring classroom

Matter of celebrating Independence Day, 15th August, 2020. .

Matter of celebrating Independence Day, 15th August, 2020.

As a teacher, you want your students to achieve the best possible results from their science education.  This will give them insights and opportunities to gain opportunities and experiences in their lives.  Many family children may go to school for the first time, which is both exciting and challenging for them.  Classroom atmosphere should be interesting and creative.  This will encourage the children to go and for the purpose of getting a full education.  Gives momentum to their interest and creativity, they will be encouraged to go to school and pursue meaningful education.

 There are many opportunities for you and your students to use the classroom environment in a more constructive way, which can stimulate their interest and foster their experience.  These ideas can also be applied to any science subject.  This unit uses the subject of germination as an example.  There are some possibilities to enhance the learning environment, but you can apply these ideas to any science subject.

 What you can learn in this unit

 How and why is it important to develop your classroom learning environment?

 How do you study the interactions between you and your students that can affect the environment and student achievement?

 How to improve your learning environment by being resourceful?

 Why this approach is important

 The physical environment of the classroom and the social and emotional environment have a significant impact on your students' learning.  Creating a positive environment of nurtured learning for yourself and for your students can be done in many ways, at little or no expense.

 Teaching activities are most inspiring when they involve students to either explore the problem practically.  Or actively develop thinking skills by solving problems.  As a teacher you have to take initiative to lead your students on this path.  Your students can then be closely involved.  In addition, you need to think carefully about what kind of physical environment you want in the classroom.  If you work in school with some materials, it may not be easy, but by being resourceful, you can create a colorful and inspiring classroom

VMC Recruitment 2020

VMC Recruitment 2020 

VMC Recruitment 2020 Free Job alert for both Fresher and Experienced Candidates updated on July 30, 2020. Get Direct Official Link for applying VMC Recruitment 2020 along with current VMC Recruitment official Notification 2020 here. Find all recent 297 VMC Vacancies 2020 across India and check all latest VMC 2020 job openings instantly here, Know upcoming VMC Recruitment 2020 immediately here.
VMC Recruitment 2020-21: Apply Online for 160 Multi Purpose Health Worker Vacancies in VMC Recruitment 2020-21 in Vadodara. New recruitment Jobs 2020-21 notification published for the post Pharmacist in VMC Recruitment 2020-21 read complete details before applying in VMC Notification for the post Female Health Worker. You can Check all Latest Sarkari Result Updates of All Central Government Jobs and State Government Jobs.

Posts Name:

  • Medical Officer (Class 2):28
  • Pharmacist:12
  • MPHW:160
  • FHW:77
Total Posts:297

Educational Qualification (Post Wise)

Medical Officer:
  • Must have a Degree of M.B.B.S. from University established under Central or State Act in India OR Deemed University under U.G.C. Act, 1956 OR Qualification specified in First and Second Schedule of Indian Medical Council (MCI) Act, 1956.
  • Knowledge of Gujarati and/or Hindi
Pay scale:Pay Matrix:53100-167800(As Per 7th Pay Commissie.
Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy from any University established under Central or
State Act in India OR Deemed University under section 3 of U.G.C. Act, 1956 OR
an equivalent qualification recognized by Government.
Diploma in Pharmacy and have 2 Years experience As Junior Pharmacist in
Government / Government undertaking/Board OR as Dispenser in Hospital or Dispensary OR as Pharmacist or Medical Representative of any Pharmaceutical Company established under the Companies Act, 2013.
Basic Knowledge of Computer as per GCSR (General) Rules, 1967.
Pay scale:Pay Matrix:29,200-92300(5 Year Fix 31,340rs)
H.S.C. (10+2) or its equivalent Examination.
Basic Knowledge of computer with CCC, DOEACC certificate or level as
prescribed by GCSR Rules, 1967.
Govt. recognized One Year M.P.H.W. basic course or Govt. recognized S.I.certificate.
Knowledge of Gujarati and/or Hindi.
Pay scale:Pay Matrix:19,900-63,200(5 Year Fix 19,950rs)
Have passed Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.) Examination or equivalent examnation.
Have passed Female Health Worker Basic Training Course recognized by Government
Knowledge of Gujarati and/or Hindi
Pay scale:Pay Matrix:19,900-63,200(5 Year Fix 19,950rs)
Lab Technician:
Bachelors Degree in Chemistry or Microbiology or Biochemistry from any University established under Central or State Act in India OR Deemed University under section 3 of U.G.C Act, 1956 OR an equivalent qualification recognized by Government.
Diploma in Lab Technician.
M.L.T Course of Medical Technology.
One year Medical Technology course from any University established under Central or State Act in India or Deemed University under section 3 of U.G.C. Act, 1956 or an
equivalent qualification recognized by Government.
Basic Knowledge of Computer as per GCSR (General) Rules, 1967.
Knowledge of Gujarati and/or Hindi
Pay scale:Pay Matrix:29,200-92300(5 Year Fix 31,340rs)
How To Apply:
Interested Candidates Should Be Apply Online Through Official Website Before 08/08/2020.
Age Limit:
Please Read Official Notification.
Important Dates:
Apply Online Starting Date:30/07/2020
Last Date For Online Application:08/08/2020

School time in august in primary school Latest paripatra

School time in august in primary school Latest paripatra

Submission of Primary Education Association regarding keeping the time of primary school only in the morning

In the current situation of covid19, people are not allowed to open schools and colleges till August 31 as per the guidelines of his government.

According to the teachers are called, the government should not forget the schools and colleges till 31st May 2020. Earlier, you had to keep the school time in the morning till 31st May 2020 and if it was kept as per the suggestion, then now as per the suggestion till 31st May 2020 or the children should not be called to school. Request to give instructions from Aap Saheb Shri to keep the school time in the morning till now.

Important link.⤵️⤵️⤵️

Khangi School fees bharava taiyr raho high court

Khangi School fees bharava taiyr raho  high court


View news report - From Here




As a teacher, you want your students to achieve the best possible results from their science education.  This will give them insights and opportunities to gain opportunities and experiences in their lives.  Many family children may go to school for the first time, which is both exciting and challenging for them.  Classroom atmosphere should be interesting and creative.  This will encourage the children to go and for the purpose of getting a full education.  Gives momentum to their interest and creativity, they will be encouraged to go to school and pursue meaningful education.

 There are many opportunities for you and your students to use the classroom environment in a more constructive way, which can stimulate their interest and foster their experience.  These ideas can also be applied to any science subject.  This unit uses the subject of germination as an example.  There are some possibilities to enhance the learning environment, but you can apply these ideas to any science subject.

 What you can learn in this unit

 How and why is it important to develop your classroom learning environment?

 How do you study the interactions between you and your students that can affect the environment and student achievement?

 How to improve your learning environment by being resourceful?

 Why this approach is important

 The physical environment of the classroom and the social and emotional environment have a significant impact on your students' learning.  Creating a positive environment of nurtured learning for yourself and for your students can be done in many ways, at little or no expense.

 Teaching activities are most inspiring when they involve students to either explore the problem practically.  Or actively develop thinking skills by solving problems.  As a teacher you have to take initiative to lead your students on this path.  Your students can then be closely involved.  In addition, you need to think carefully about what kind of physical environment you want in the classroom.  If you work in school with some materials, it may not be easy, but by being resourceful, you can create a colorful and inspiring classroom.

Ghare Shikiae" Important Evaluation Sheet.

Ghare Shikiae" Important Evaluation  Sheet.

Today in this post Ghare Shikhiye Video Activity we will know that under lockdown all the primary schools and secondary schools and colleges of the state will be part of which the government has put a program under which the Home learning activity is to deliver the Ghar Shikhie book to the child’s home by the government. We will make available in this website the link of the video contained in the book Learn in Online Program.
There are a total of five phases of home learning assessment.
1. Constructive Evaluation Do this yourself.
Through which progress per student will be seen.
2. Assessment in the whole class by which we will know the collective condition of our class.
3. Evaluation per study Conclusion It will help you to know which study conclusions have been well achieved and which are yet to be achieved.
4. Life skills based assessment This assessment is to be done by asking your guardian.
And the summary is to be written in the module.
5. Your opinion is to write your opinion regarding the process.
Home Learning Study Materials 2020

Important Video

 Click Here To Download
File Credit :-

Kamal Kumar Patel
CRC Dungari, Valsad

There are a total of five phases of home learning assessment.

1. Constructive Evaluation Do this yourself.
Through which progress per student will be seen

Students will be provided Home Learning Study Materials  via social media platforms and DD Girnar for the next August 2020.Home Learning Study materials video Std 4 DD Girnar/Diksha portal video @, Home Learning Study materials video Std 3 to 12 DD Girnar/Diksha portal video. Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) is a leading state. The latest Tweets from Doordarshan Girnar (@ddgirnarlive)

Ghare Shikiae" Important Evaluation  Sheet.

Thursday, July 30, 2020



Teacher plays very important role in the field of education who teaches students each n very nicely to be a person of good moral and behaviour. They make students academically superb and very fast and always encourage to do better in the life. They equip students with lots of knowledge, skills and positive attitudes so that students can never feel lost and go ahead in their standard. They help students to get sure about their goals of education through clear vision and ideas and their behaviour. Without teachers in the life no one cant n  grow mentally, socially and intellectually.

A teacher is a good person  n agood thinker of society who takes very important responsibility of shaping up the lives of young ones and society and impressionable children. They can get great feeling, pride and true joy in their life by teaching through their students on the right path. They never do any type of partiality between good or bad students and alwys help instead they always try to bring bad one on the right path through their lots of efforts n their strenghth. A good teacher is someone who spent their whole life in giving quality education to their students to give their best effort. They push all the students to do their best effort to goal achive. They make learning process must savevery interesting as well as creative. Teachers try their best to bring all the students on the right track by motivation and more thinkable them positively towards study n education. Good teachers leave good impression over their students for better.

They equip students with lots of knowledge and strong, skills and positive attitudes so that students can never feel lost and go ahead and achieve. They help students to get sure about their goals of education through clear vision and ideas for future. Without teachers in the life one cannot grow mentally, socially and intellectually and supporting.



They push all the students to do their best life goal. They make learning process very interesting as well as creative for best vision. Teachers try their best to bring all the students on the right track by motivation n encourging them positively towards study. Good teachers leave good impression over their students through whole life.
Home Learning Study materials video Std 3to 12 DD Girnar/Diksha portal video provide everydday
For Best View Please Open This Website In CHROME / OPERA Browser

Dr. Android Check your hardware divese full

Dr. Android Check your hardware divese full

Discover Plenty of under-utilized features that can ease your life and make you a smart user of your phone. Do you know you can share your internet via BLE, WiFi, USB with others - If you are out of battery you can charge it with another mobile - No internet use GMaps offline to find your location - Leave no history via using Incognito - and many more. Starting from automating daily tasks, approaches that reduce efforts, tricks which help to utilize smart way inefficient manner, etc are shown in text & video format to understand in a better way.
Not just a phone, learn using your Android device as a real SMART phone. The best part is you can use this app in offline mode also.

Dr.fone – the world’s 1st Data Recovery Software for Smartphones and Tablets!
★ Highest recovery rate in the industry.
★ Recover photos, videos, contacts, messages, notes, call logs, and more.

 New feature: Easily transfer any files between devices and PC wirelessly
★ Free you from cables and client.
★ The only thing you need to do is to open in a browser.

Download Apps Click Here

The main function of dr.fone
► Recovery feature
Important: Deleted data may be overwritten by new data. This will affect the outcome of data recovery. The sooner you act the better the results you’ll get.
Recover from Cache (No rooting necessary!*)
Support recover photos and videos from cache, thumbnails, memory card and internal memory.
Recover Photos & videos, Message, Contacts (Rooting necessary!*)
Support scan and recover from all of your device’s internal and external memory
Supported photo formats: JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, TIF,TIFF.
Supported video formats: MP4 (Taken by Camera) , 3GP, MOV, AVI, MPG, WMV, ASF, FLV, RM/RMVB, M4V, 3G2, SWF.
Support save the recovered contacts as .csv file

► Get all smartphone status at a glance.
► Real system information and functions.
► Record daily battery charge cycles.
► Record and monitor network usage to avoid overuse.
► Integrate [ hardware, battery, memory, and storage] information monitoring.
► Multi-patent, Quick and precisely check 30 Smartphone hardware items.

Must have app! When you buy a new or used Smartphone: Eliminate your risk on purchase.
Get your old Smartphone checked before warranty expires.

***** Tests of 30 Hardware Items & Sensors *****
1. Multi-touch
2. Touch Screen
3. Earphones & Microphone (patented) : Automatically check the audio system from 300Hz to 12000 Hz by feedback system & FFT algorithms.
4. Speaker & Microphone (patented): Automatically check the audio system from 300Hz to 12000Hz by feedback system & FFT algorithms.
5. Call function: Check if the Smartphone can connect to base station.
6. Accelerometer: Check if the Smartphone can detect the acceleration and gravity.
7. Gyroscope: Check if the Smartphone can detect the orientation.
8. Proximity Sensor: Check whether the proximity sensor can normally detect the approach of your face and shuts down the screen to avoid sense errors.
9. Display: Check display of monitor.
10. Compass: Check the stability of the compass.
11. Storage: Check the Storage speed.
12. Memory: Make sure the memory access speed is ok.
13. Spec Check: To confirm if it's the exact Smartphone spec you bought in case of any spec error.
14. CPU: Use a benchmark to test performance.
15. Camera
16. Vibration (patented): Automatically check the vibrator.
17. Flash (patented): Automatically check the flash light.
18. Earphone jack: Detect if the earphone jack can detect the insertion of earphones.
19. GPS
20. 3G chip: Detect if the 3G chip can connect to the base station.
21. WiFi: Detect if the Smartphone can connect to WiFi AP.
22. Bluetooth: Check if Bluetooth can be turned on and connect to other iDevice.
23. Silent & Volume Control Button: Test mute and volume button.
24. Home Button
25. Sleep Button
26.Temperature Sensor
27.Pressure Sensor
28.Step Counter
29.Light sensor

Deep Recovery (Need to work with dr.fone desktop version) :
Deep Recovery supports more data loss scenarios, like accidentally deleted data/ rooting errors / OS update / system crash, .etc.
Support recover photos, videos, contacts, messaging, call logs, Audio, document, WhatsApp messages & Attachment .

► Transfer feature :
Easily transfer any files between devices and PC wirelessly.
The only thing you need to do is to open in a browser.
Free you from cables and client.
Notes: you need to Keep your device and computer under the same network(or the same Wi-fi).

Don’t you get grain (ration)?

Don’t you get grain (ration)?

How to convert APL ration card to NFSA
Good News to all the Candidates who enrolled for the ration card. Gujarat peoples were eagerly waiting for the Ration Card New List. DCS DOF Gujarat Ration Card List (New) Released on 19 April 2020. Using the Link on this Page You may Find Out whether Your Name Exist in the List or not.
Here You May Check – List of Fair Price Shops, Ration Card Holders (Shop Wise), Retailers/Hawker Wise Ration Card Holders, Agency Wise List of LPG Connection Holders, PNG COnnection Holders, Details of Allocated Quantity to Fair Price Shop, List of Retailers, FPS Wise Details of Town/Village Committe member, FPS Transaction, Ration Card Transaction & Area Wise Ration Card Details of NFSA List 2020 Gujarat.

Official Website of Gujarat Ration Card List 2020 
DCS DOF Gujarat Ration Card Toll Free Number – 1800-233-550

List of all district ITI colleges for license

List of all district ITI colleges for license

Gujarat ITI List PDF For Learning Driving License:  All RTO office conduct computer-based examination of driving license. It’s also useful for getting to know Licence of Light Multirole Vehicle (LMV), Heavy Motor automobile (HMV). Right here we’ve got supply two-mode learning and test mode that allows you to be aware of RTO examination and put off the worry of failing and helps to complete RTO test with full confidence.
Features :
Question Bank :
●This section is all about Comprehensive list of questions & answers which is provided by the Regional Transport Office (RTO) department. Also, it gives you complete to driving licence details.
●Road Signage: Traffic and road signs, traffic signal rules and their meaning.
Practice :
●Once you complete the first section, now it’s time to practice. In this section, you can practice yourself without any kind of time limits. All questions have three options, you can choose one of them just like MCQ test.
Exam :
●Exactly same as RTO test, random questions and road signs related questions will be asked in this exam. Time limits are useful to sharp your mind and prepare for the exact RTO test. All done question is done then after your result will be displayed on the screen and also you can see your complete scorecard by click on View Scorecard button.
RTO Codes :
●This section gives you RTO code detail. First, you can select State and then after the select city which RTO code you want. you can search for RTO codes across the various state and cities of India.
Important Document :
●In this section, you can get a list of all important and legal document required to carry with you when you go for RTO exam or driving license registration.

Driving Laws :
●In this section, you can access the complete list of various driving laws and their penalties charged by the Regional Transport Office department.
License Procedure :
●At last, you can find the complete process on how to apply for RTO exam or driving license test. This RTO Driving Licence Exam is dividing in two-part
1) Step by step procedure obtain your learner driving license
2) Step by step procedure obtain your permanent driving license.
●State/Language Selection: You can change the state and language anytime! The app will display information in the language of your choice.
●Forms: Important RTO related forms are available within the app. You can find and download forms as per your needs.
●RTO Office Information: Select the city in order to find RTO office address and contact details.

Feature post.

Prathmik Shishyavruti PSE and Madhyamik Shishyavruti Parixa SSE Exam notification 2025

Prathmik Shishyavruti PSE and Madhyamik Shishyavruti Parixa SSE Exam notification 2025 State Examination Board Gandhinagar Declared official...

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