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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Take Wear mask pledge on

  • Take Wear mask pledge on

In the 66th edition of the monthly radio program ‘Mann Ki Baat’, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday talked about India's fight against coronavirus and said that coronavirus remains as dangerous because it was within the beginning.  PM Modi further urged the citizens to require a pledge of freedom from the pandemic on Assumption, when the country celebrates Independence Day.  Addressing the state, PM Modi said, “This year, Assumption celebrations too are going to be wiped out very different circumstances - within the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.  I urge the youth, the people of my country to require a pledge of freedom from the pandemic this Independence Day.  Take a resolve for a self-reliant India, a resolve to find out and teach something new and a resolve to earnestly perform our duties. ”

How to Take WEar mask Pledge

first open official Govt. site this is Central govt site for public awareness.
then Search wearmask pledge option on this site
then entre your necessory info like Name birth date, e mail id, and mobile no.
then Read Pledge of Wear mask
then submit it
Now you can download your certifcate

The way the country fought against Corona unitedly, has proven many apprehensions wrong.  Today, the recovery rate in our country is better compared to other countries;  the mortality rate is much less as well, compared to most of the other countries.  Of course, the loss of even one life is saddening, but India has also succeeded in saving the lives of millions of people.  But, the hazards of coronavirus are far from being over.  At many places, it is spreading fast.  

 We need to be extra vigilant.  We have to bear in mind that coronavirus is as fatal today as it was in the beginning - that's why we have to be fully cautioned.  Wearing a face mask, using a gamchcha or a light towel to cover, two-yard distancing, frequently washing hands, avoiding spitting anywhere, taking full limit in terms of hygiene and sanitation - these are our weapons to protect us from the highly contagious virus  .



 The way the country fought against Corona unitedly, has proven many apprehensions wrong.  Today, the recovery rate in our country is better compared to other countries;  the mortality rate is much less as well, compared to most of the other countries.  Of course


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