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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Ayurveda remedies for kidney stones esy and useful tips

Ayurveda remedies for kidney stones esy and useful tips

Information about the function of the kidneys is obtained by examining the circulation of creatinine and urea in the blood for the diagnosis of kidney diseases. The level of creatinine and urea in the blood rises above normal only when both kidneys are damaged by more than 50% due to the disease. Urine analysis can provide information about many kidney diseases

Blood is purified in the body, from which water, sodium, potassium and countless other substances are filtered and excreted in the form of urine. It purifies 1200 liters of blood in a day. The kidneys also play a major role in protein, carbohydrate, fat hormones, hemoglobin, calcium, metabolism. The kidneys have structures like ureter, urinary bladder and urethra that filter blood.
The kidneys are cashew-like in shape and are located securely behind the thoracic ribs on both sides of the spine (upper back) in the upper and back of the abdomen.

Nephrotic syndrome and acute glomer

What are the stones? What does it look like? Where is it found in the urethra?

Kidney diseases are caused by some of our habits like
– Not urinating when you feel like urinating makes the kidneys worse.
– Drinking small amounts of water.
– Eating too much salt.
– If there is a problem of high blood pressure and diabetes and it is not treated in time, it has a direct effect on the kidneys.
– Drinking alcohol damages the liver as well as the kidneys.
– Taking pain medication for a long time worsens the kidneys.
– Consumption of certain indigenous medicines also affects the kidneys.


Types of Kidney Diseases:
– Acute glomerulonephritis: The most common form of kidney disease in children. The diseases are usually throat infections, skin infections and autoimmune. Swelling of the mouth and protein and blood in the urine are the main complaints of this disease. In most children the disease can be completely cured in a short time with the right medicine.
– Nephrotic syndrome: This disease is more common in children than other ages. Symptoms of this disease include proteinuria, decreased protein in the blood, and increased cholesterol. The disease does not increase blood pressure and the chances of kidney damage are negligible. Nephrotic syndrome is a major cause of recurrent inflammation in children over the years.
– Urinary tract infection: Urinary tract infection, frequent urination, abdominal pain, fever etc. are the main signs of urinary tract infection. The presence of pus in the urine indicates the main diagnosis of the disease, the main cause of recurrent urinary tract infections in children is VUR (Vasiko ureteric reflux). VUR has a congenital defect in the function of the valve between the bladder and the ureter so that urine travels from the bladder upside down in the urethra to the kidneys.
– Calculus: Calculus is an important kidney disease seen in many patients. Signs of unbearable abdominal pain, nausea, red urine etc. indicate gallstones. Some patients do not have any pain despite having stones. Called the Silent Stone. If the stone stays in the body for a long time, it can cause permanent damage to the kidneys.
– Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): In acute kidney injury, both kidneys stop working due to some damage. Diarrhea – Vomiting, toxic malaria, sudden drop in blood pressure, sepsis, heart failure, liver failure, etc. are the main causes. AKI can transform into chronic kidney disease in the long run.
– Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Chronic Kidney Disease has a noticeable decrease in the function of both kidneys over a period of months or years. In addition to the above causes, diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney failure are the main causes. Symptoms of CKD include loss of blood percentage in the body, loss of appetite, frequent nausea, weight loss, etc.
– End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD): A patient with CKD whose both kidneys function less than 15% is called ESRD. ESRD patients can suffer from serious illnesses such as seizures, brain hemorrhage, irregular heartbeat, heart failure, coma and even death without treatment.

Information about the function of the kidneys is obtained by examining the circulation of creatinine and urea in the blood for the diagnosis of kidney diseases. Blood creatinine and urea levels are higher than normal only when both kidneys are damaged by more than 50% due to the disease. Urine analysis can provide information about many kidney diseases. ૩ A simple test for the diagnosis of CKD is to measure blood pressure, check for protein and blood cells in the urine, and check for creatinine in the blood.

Kidney failure can be diagnosed by sonography of the kidney and Doppler. In which both the kidneys of the patient are found to be small and compressed. If the size of the ant is more than 9 cm in sonography, it can be accurately diagnosed by biopsy of the kidney. Kidney biopsy is mandatory for the treatment of nephrotic syndrome in a person older than 12 years.

CT SCAN can also give more information to some patients to diagnose kidney infections and stones.

Treatment of diseases of the kidneys

Exercise regularly to prevent CKD, keep the body healthy to control diabetes and blood pressure, eat a nutritious diet, maintain a proper weight and quit smoking, tobacco, gutka, mava, alcohol.

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