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Saturday, December 5, 2020

VIDEO OF President Shri Digubha Jadeja Saheb to all teachers

VIDEO OF President Shri Digubha Jadeja Saheb to all teachers

VIDEO OF President Shri Digubha Jadeja Saheb to all teachers :Who is not a teacher today! TV teacher. YouTube teacher. Google Teacher. Who is not a teacher? If you look around, there is an abundance of teachers. How many children are there? Can we give the same respect to all the above teachers that were talked about. There is a teacher inside us all who is often missed.

For some Sharda ji, for some Nagina Babu, for some Harish Naval, for some Sudha or Pragya Madam are still an ideal teacher. Which we remember for ages. We remember them all our lives. There must have been something special in these teachers because of whom we cannot forget them. Or when we become teachers, we want to go one step ahead of them and become like them, etc.

Even if we don’t become teachers, it doesn’t matter if we have a teacher in our mind. Teacher i.e. the person whose walking, speaking, getting up and sitting, everything becomes exemplary for us. Maybe the teacher, that is, the guru for us at every turn of life, of course he may or may not be physical, but somewhere or other he is present as our ideal and guide.

Teacher roles have changed very fast but are changing. The role of teacher can never be ignored. Our teachers are the axis that can complete the change to a great extent. If our teachers are trained and come voluntarily then no one can stop the change in education. However, the statistics and the ground realities present a few other images which make it seem that the change we are expecting in education is not happening as much and with the same intensity. Investigate the reasons behind this and you will find that there is a huge shortage of people who choose this profession voluntarily.

Well known educationist Krishna Kumar has written and spoken many times on this issue that not having the first choice and selection of teachers coming in the field of education affects the quality of education to a great extent. In other words, there are a large number of people who come to this profession whose choice was not the first, but to choose teaching as the last option.

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We can also see and understand the teacher class by dividing it into several classes – first, the teaching work for which there is a blissful and favorite work. Who love to read, teach and communicate with children. If such a teacher has to spend money and labor from home for this, he does not hesitate at all.

However, the shortage of teachers in this class is constantly being underlined. The second category is of teachers who chose teaching in case of no choice. For them, this is always the second lowest priority election. Wealth, respect, prestige are earned by education but they cannot love education.

Such teachers who are reluctantly involved in education do not feel like teaching in the classroom nor are they able to provide one hundred percent to their children. The third class is of such teachers whose birth took place around 1989 and as soon as they saw it, the sky of education was covered. These are none other than known by different names in different states. Shiksha Mitra, Shikshakarmi, Ad Hoc Teacher, Shikshaguru etc. It was a period of liberalization on the political and economic front. When the government was constantly arguing that we do not have the resources to transport government schools and teachers.


And based on these arguments, the government sowed the crop of Shikshamitra. Today that crop is in full swing. In other words, the condition of this crop is not very good. Such teachers have been working under the same name for fifteen to twenty years but they have not been able to get adequate salary and respect.

Whether it is Uttar Pradesh or Bihar, Rajasthan or Uttarakhand, the state governments are joking with such teachers in all the states. Regarding this issue, the famous educationist Prof. Anil Sadgopal had said that it was to hand over government teachers and education to the global market in the name of neo-liberalization. But it is a pity that at that time all the educational institutes, professors etc. did not oppose it. The fourth class is of teachers who are happy in their profession. The work of someone’s property dealer is going on brilliantly. So someone has a shop after school. Some schools also have an eye on the stock exchange. In this case, they have more work to do besides teaching.

Among all these teachers, there are still teachers left today who find teaching interesting. He devotes his entire time and life to teaching and children. Such teachers do not seem to run in the category and race of awards. For such teachers, getting compliments from the mouths of children and hearing that after leaving student life and coming into professional life, hearing that the life you have taught is still useful to us, etc., is a reward for them.

There is a constant shortage of salaried teachers for whom teaching is the first choice. Usually teaching is the second and final choice and choice for the people. Despite all this, there are still teachers who are constantly engaged in their work without recognition and expectation of reward. The reward for them is the smile of the children and the happiness floating on their faces.

However, there is a shortage of such teachers. One of the reasons for this may be that this profession has been considered suitable for women, especially in primary classes. While in teaching, who doesn’t know Gijubhai, famous as a mother with a mustache, that there is no shortage of those who like him.

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