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Monday, January 25, 2021

GPSC Class 2 Shikshan Seva Varg 2 Exam held on Date 24-01-2021 question Paper

 GPSC Class 2 Shikshan Seva Varg 2 Exam held on Date 24-01-2021 question Paper 

How to prepare for GPSC?  

(PART - II) Dear Candidates, After writing the previous article, I got the responses of many candidates and found out many similarities that are in their minds and I am motivated to write this supplementary article, that most of the candidates have something like this.  11) Do you have to read all the suggested books?  3) If there is no preparation before and if we prepare for this then can the exam be passed in such a short time?  3) Someone else has asked me to read this book, so read this book or read the book you suggested, 2) Are you ready with the job or not?  2) Have to go to Gandhinagar for preparation?  2) Any special advice ?, etc. etc.  Ni - The answers to these main questions are as follows, 1) Do you have to read all the suggested books?  In my view, if someone is going to learn riveting, he first teaches by moving his feet in the water.  Let's learn to splash so the feet get wet, then take a little deeper water.  When we finally learn to swim in the deepest water, it is called swimming.  Therefore, in order to become proficient in any subject, one must be prepared to go deep.  Also this thing is possible in a very short time, which I have also experienced, થી How to refer more than one burr and that too in less time?  લો Let us illustrate this point with an example.  ૪ Subject- History ૪ Topic- Jainism and Buddhism Step 1: To prepare this topic, first read the books of GCERT, and quickly prepare a short note of things not to know.  step 2: Then read the same topic from LUCENT GK HINDI.  Most of it will repeat.  You will also find a little extra that will add to that note.  And this is also your second revision.  step 3: Then read the same topic from NCERT books.  All of the above will be repeated and add to the note to find out more, this will be the third revision.  CAG |  Prepared by a GP?  BY CHARANSIGON GALLOW.CALLCTOR step 4: Then read the same topic in the history of N D SHELAT.  This was the final revision.  Now it is the turn of MCQ, take a look at the maximum MCQ of this topic.  Most will like it. If not, add it to the note in the form of a one-liner.  • This whole exercise and only you will have a note of four books ready.  Out of which no question can go, વાંચ Reading this single note will revise four bookers.  નોંધ This note will also be useful in Mains exam.  Don't get bored of writing only because the main exam is written.  However, if Lava gets bored or lazy, he should write additional information of other books around the topic in a book which has the most information.  This will only be possible if you devote maximum hours to reading.  Reading for an average of 10 to 12 hours, especially for beginners.  Hopefully you will go into the deepest water to become an accomplished swimmer.  Also proficient to the government.

You will also find a little extra step to add to that note.  And this is also your second revision, step 3: Then read the same topic from NCERT's books.  All of the above will be repeated and add to the note to find out more.  This will be the third revision.  CAG Larry ready to protect you?  CHARANSINK GOHII GAS (DY.COLLECTOR step 4: Then read the same topic in the history of ND SHELAT. This is the final revision. Now it's time for MCQ.  Add. અંતે At the end of this whole exercise * You will have a note of four books, beyond which no question can go, વાંચ Reading this single note will revise the four books, and this note will also be useful in the Mains exam.  Don't get bored because the main exam is written. However, if you get bored or lazy in writing, you should write additional information of other books around the topic in a book which has the most information. This will be possible only when you can devote maximum hours behind reading.  Reading average 10 to 12 hours. Beginners especially hope that you will go into the deepest water to become a skilled swimmer. The government also needs skilled swimmers, 2) If there is no preparation before and if we prepare from today in such a short time  Can the exam be passed?  Speaking of which, I have not been able to prepare consistently.  Also doing a job together.  Usually two or three months after the announcement.  Such intensive preparation seems to work.  Because the preparation done earlier has two accounts.  True preparation begins only after the announcement and date of the exam.  There is more than enough time.  Complete the syllabus anyway.  Read with dedication.  Put full power behind this.  Ask yourself every day what I did today to move towards my goal?  If you are working, leave it so that no other problems come.  There is a motivational example, which I always remember that if Ashok Dehora can become a doctor and Ish Sindhav can become an IAS, we can do everything, this is a thing of the old days, Ashok Deepora was a student of a small village near Gadha, in 10th standard.  Percent brought.  Conditions at home were normal.  So he sat down to rub the diamond.  Two years later, his younger brother came first in Gadha Kendra with 8%.  He took science and went to Bhavnagar to study.  But he didn't like being away from home so Ashok also went to Bhavnagar to grind diamonds.  Somehow Ashok also started studying at the behest of his brother and then he started doing science again.  The curriculum is also new.  How to slowly pass the time with the preparation of  12 Science students get Diwali vacation.  Only two days.  All the students of the hostel go home.  The rector goes round.  The lights of one room are turned on.  These two brothers work hard.  Not even realizing the rector's presence, realizing the rector's voice when they both look in front of both, asking if you both haven't gone home?  Ashok Motobhai was saying, "Sir, let's go home to our palaces and kingdoms."  And it is a question of two days, but the master said that the kitchen is closed and where will you eat?  No one in the whole Bhavnagar will freeze you, Ashok showed me a bag of bananas and milk lying in the corner, you have to leave for two days, sir.  Sir kept going.  Time passes.  The result of standard 12 science is.  The younger brother brings 5%.  And Ashok ?  Second in the whole of Gujarat with an accurate 5%, today there is a successful pediatrician in Bhavnagar, we can't become a doctor after doing 12 sciences but we can pass GPSC with inspiration from Ashok Dihora.  This example is given so that time is not wasted even in small matters.

Can the exam be passed in time?  Speaking of myself, I have not been able to do continuous CONSITANT preparation, as well as working, usually two or three months after the announcement comes out.  Such intensive preparation seems to work.  Because the preparation done earlier has two accounts.  True preparation begins only after the announcement and date of the exam, so the time is more than enough.  Complete the syllabus anyway.  Read with dedication.  Put your full strength behind this. Ask yourself every day what I did today to move towards my goal?  If you are working, take leave so that no other problems come up.  There is a motivational example, which I always remember that if Ashok Dehora can become a doctor and Ira can become a Sindhal Ad we can do everything, this is a thing of the old days.  Ashok Dihora was a student of a small village in Gadhda Najig, he brought 9% in 10th standard.  Dhar's condition was normal.  So he sat down to rub the diamond.  Two years later, his younger brother came first in Gadha Kendra with 8%.  He took science and went to Bhavnagar to study.  But he didn't like being away from home so Ashok also went to Bhavnagar to grind diamonds.  At his brother's request, Ashok somehow resumed his studies and returned to Sathans.  Two years of rubbing diamonds means shaking hands as soon as you hold a pen in your hand.  The curriculum is also new.  Time passes slowly.
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Solution :- Coming Soon

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