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Friday, January 29, 2021

In order to amend the date of NMMS examination, the examination will be held on Sunday 14-3-2021

  In order to amend the date of NMMS examination, the examination will be held on Sunday 14-3-2021



Today's man believes less in hard work and more in Muqaddar.  Today's man wants to succeed but does not want to lose anything for him.  He is forgetting that successes are mixed with hard work, not luck.  Remember, luck is made only when a man works hard.

On seeing someone's magnificent kothi, many people say that they wish their luck would have been like this, but they forget that this lucky kothi, the magnificent car was not only given to them by luck but it was hard work behind it.  It is sure to meet Muqaddar, but those who work as hard as they do leave.

Therefore, it cannot be said that luck has no place, no importance, but luck also has its own importance.  After working hard, luck can be expected, but nothing can be more senseless than achieving success on the basis of empty luck.

  Two letters is "Luck", two and a half letters is "Luck", three letters is "Naseeva" but the four letter words are all lying in the feet of Mehnt.

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