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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Today school opening news report.

 Today school opening news report.

Std. 9 and 11 in February, 6 to 8 in March and Std.  1 to 5 will be started in April and examination will be considered in June: new academic calendar is being prepared.

Gandhinagar Dt.21

After the transition of Corona by the Gujarat government's education department, the schools of Std. 10 and 12 have been made throbbing. Being prepared. The state has started online education from Std. 1 to 12 by the month of April and is considering taking the exam in June. As well as the possibility of reducing summer vacation.

The Department of Education has been activated to start offline education in Gujarat, which was discontinued due to Corona, with the introduction of Std. 9 and 11 in February, Std. The most important consideration is not to have a long summer vacation this year, only one or two weeks, as well as the exams for Std. 1 to 8 and 9 and 11 in June after taking Std. 10 and 12 exams in May. It is learned that the education department is preparing a special academic calendar in this regard.

Following the declining case of corona in Gujarat, Std. 10 and 12 schools have been started from January 11, with no major setbacks and so far the educational work is going on as per the guidelines of Kovid. The whole academic work is likely to be started



Schools for primary education from Std. 1 to 5 may start from April. Due to Corona, when the board exams are scheduled to be held in May this year, the education department may start schools for Std. Examinations for non-board standards will be held in June.

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