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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

મેડીકલ બીલની સંપૂર્ણ પ્રક્રિયા


મેડીકલ બીલની સંપૂર્ણ પ્રક્રિયા

Occasionally every child in my class knows about my hygiene and if you look at your face in the mirror ', were obeying, bored tears in the mirror ....... ........... but My class was very bright - energetic - obedient, it was silent was confused.

Student Ramjibhai Karshanbhai Waghri was touched by my words from under the ground by listening to his words! Doesn't happen and that irregular sir my parents used to come the old school.

Sick, I have to take care of this child despite the responsibilities of home. The biggest reason to take home is Gijubhai Badheka Me. I have two younger sisters. Muchali Maa '' Nanabhai Bhatt, there is Paror Bajri in the house. Two Lena sisters Sarabhai, Tarabahen.

Dadu Rabari: From day one my parents and Modak and Dr. Moria from Italy: The sisters are starving and I work directly from the Balmanas farm in Montessori to "work" and infuse ideas into our PTC. I came here during college.

The atmosphere was calm. Suddenly Ramjibhai arrived. District, Surendranagar - 382780 Sati Maa, Mala, Ta. Mein Putli Kala Ki Bhumika ”What is the main objective of the training? Understanding, a work camp was organized on the subject to impart knowledge of the culture of different states, with the participation of teachers from all over the state. Can Gujarat and Rajasthan train trainees from these three states? Gujarat - 10 teachers, Mime and Movement of Maharashtra.



17 teachers and Rajasthan - 38 teachers in which Amreli according to their own understanding Script Prepare. Three teachers brothers and sisters from the district Songs in Regional Languages. Were gone. The following report on Project on Cultural Educa issues were discussed and tioned in this program. Guided Practical training in voice - HOLLSS sou

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