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Tuesday, July 13, 2021



Subject: - Matter of participation of students and teachers in rural IT quiz program.  Reference: Letter No. of Gujarat Council on Science and Technology, Gandhinagar: GUJCOST / Rural ITquiz / 2021-22 / 1120 dl.06 / 09/2024 Regarding the above subject and reference,  Department, IT Department of Government of Karnataka and BT Department.  

This program was started in the year 2000.  The main objective of the Rural IT Quiz is to make rural school students aware about information technology.  Students studying in Std. 8 of rural school can participate in this program.  The winning students from the state level will be rewarded with prizes like laptops, tablets.

  Students, parents, teachers and organizations from the state of Gujarat are invited to participate in this program.  For the purpose that rural school teachers and students can participate in this activity, a circular in this regard is informed to all the District Education Officers of the state.  Accordingly, all the schools in the state are requested to participate in this program this year.

  Please contact the District Folk Science Center or Gajcost office for more information on this program.  Contacts of District Folk Science Centers are involved with this.  1.  As per the situation and the order of the Government, this program will be conducted online / offline as per the convenience of the time.  

.  In this activity, the travel allowance as per the rules of the teacher and student of the schools selected at the state level and TA (enough for Gujarat State Travel) will be given by Gujjost Institute.  .  The time that the selected teachers have to make the necessary journey in this activity will be considered as leave on duty.  .

  This quiz will be in English language.  Scanned by CamScanner.  Teachers and students participating in this program will have to follow the guidelines of COVID-12 of the Government of India / Government of Gujarat.  Is.  This quiz includes software products, companies and brass.  Questions will be asked on the history of IT and emerging fields such as IT, Cloud Commuting, Artificial Intelligence, Telecom, Biometrics and Robotics.  4, Gujcost office has prepared a compilation of questions related to information technology and reference question paper for the reference of students.  

Which can be obtained from Gujcost's website  It is expected that the students, teachers and schools of Gujarat will always perform well in this national activity and enhance the pride of Gujarat.  Efforts will have to be made to create more conducive environment in the school for the enthusiastic teachers of the school and for the benefit of the school children.

કવીઝમાં ભાગ લેવા બાબતનો પરિપત્ર અહીંથી વાંચો

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