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Monday, August 30, 2021

Resemblances of 20 to 30 years ago See the village What fun it was then

 Resemblances of 20 to 30 years ago See the village What fun it was then

When people talk about suddenly remembering old recollections, the memories they’re referring to are usually autobiographical or episodic. As the name suggests, this type of memory stores the episodes of our life.
Another type of memory that can also be suddenly recalled has seemed antic memory. Our semantic memory is the repository of our knowledge containing all the facts we know.

Usually, the recall of autobiography graphical and semantic recollections has easily identified able triggers in our neighbourhood next. Context encompasses our physical surroundings as well as the aspects of our mental state, such as feelings and feelings.


Bazhenov said that memory replay during sleep plays a guard ding role again not forgetting by allowing the same populations of neurons to store multiple deterring memories. "We learn many new things daily and those recollections compete with old memories. To accommodate all recollections, we need sleep."
For example, imagine memorizing how to navigate to a parking lot by going left at a one-stop sign and right at one traffic light. The next day, you have to learn how to get to a different parking lot using different directions. Bazhenov said sleep consolidates those memories to allow reminiscence of both.

"When you play tennis, you have certain muscle recollection. If you then learn how to play golf, you have to learn how to move the same muscles differently. Sleep earns sure that memorizing golf does not erase how to play tennis and makes it possible for different memories to coexist in the brain," said Bazhenov.

The authors suggest that the therapeutic value of sleep may be what is lacking in current state-of-the-art computer systems that power self-driving cars and comprehend images with performances that far exceed humans. However, these artificial understanding systems cannot learn continuously and will forget old knowledge when new evidence is learned. "We may need to add a sleep-like state to computer and robotic systems to prevent forgetting after new knowledge and to make them able to learn continuously," said Bazhenov.
The study led by experimenters at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine was published in the journal eLife. In the study, researchers used computational models capable of reproducing different brain states, such as sleep and awake, to examine how sleep consolidates newly encoded memories and prevention ents damage to old memories.
“The brain is very busy when we sleep, repeating what we have understood during the day. Sleep helps reorganise memories and presents them most efficiently. Our findings suggest that memories are emotional, not static. In other words, memories, even old memories, are not final. Sleep constantly updates them,” said Maksim Bazhenov, PhD, lead author of the study and professor of medicine at UC San Due go. “We predict that during the sleep cycle, both old and new memories are spontaneously replying ayed, which prevents forgetting and increases recall performance.”
The authorities warrant kudos for preserving the memory of Jyotirindranath Tagore, who spent his last years here, in the form of a park around the house, which is well maintained, though visitors are not allowed in.

It’s not often that science artists make people watch the first incident of 24 in the name of science. It’s even rarer that they pick Jack Bauer’s exploits because they needed to show volunteers something “more true to life”. Then again, as Jason Chan dryly says, “Some of the earlier episodes were not as far-out ched as the later ones”.

remembering old recollections, the memories

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