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Sunday, September 19, 2021

11 Golden Rules of Cash Management for Jobs, which will make your life easier

 11 Golden Rules of Cash Management for Jobs, which will make your life easier

This amount has been credited to your account. We are waiting for this message at the end of each month. An employed person has to earn his living from his monthly salary. We are making monthly budget based on our salary. This should not happen if you plan your cash wisely.

Called. ‘Don’t let money run your life. Use the money to make your life better. '- John Ramptom

But for that you need cash management. An art that once you master it will take you miles. So what are the golden rules of this management, let's understand better!

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11 Golden Rules of Salary Management

Budgeting - Budgeting is the first step in managing your cash transactions. A cash transaction plan. You should consider your current financial situation and then categorize all your expenses into different structures. Such as, entertainment, education and others. This will help you prioritize your expenses. Budgets often serve as a road map and are important for proper cash transaction management.

Check where your money is used - Credit vs Debit. This is a measure of what you spend against what you have. This measure will help you develop a relationship between your income and expenses, emphasizing the need to build property and reduce debt.


Check where your money is used - Credit vs Debit. This is a measure of what you spend against what you have. This measure will help you develop a relationship between your income and expenses, emphasizing the need to build property and reduce debt.

Set ambitious but realistic goals - The most important thing you need to do when planning your cash flow is to set goals. The best way to set goals is to decide where you want to go. Always set goals that demand consistent performance. Check your progress in a timely manner. You should consider the following factors before setting a goal.




Short term liability

Long term liability

Other financial commitments


Manage your surplus - Good cash flow management means that you will save surplus money even before your next salary is credited. Not only do you have to manage the cash flow but you also have to make sure that you are investing this surplus somewhere. Use your money, don’t forget that extra income is like a cherry on the cake that we all love.

Now when setting these goals, one thing you have to make sure of is whether you have set realistic goals keeping in mind the above factors with a time limit. That being said, once you are committed to a list of goals you will find strong motivation to change your money habits.

Structure your monthly expenses around the pay date - The day after you receive your salary, you should adjust the fixed expenses like rent, maid's salary, monthly groceries. This will help you plan money that can be spent on either savings, investments or luxury.

Track Your Expenses - A penny saved is a penny earned. That’s why you need to keep an eye on your expenses. Sometimes small purchases happen quickly. Which makes a large amount of cost. There is a chance that an unforeseen crisis may arise that will cost you a large portion of your money.


Commitment to new expenses - You should not commit to any unnecessary and new expenses then why your salary is not suitable for it. Some people take out a loan even though they don't really need it. You justify your loan because of your salary. The financial institution only takes your salary and credit card as documents. Whether you can pay or not depends on your budget. So don't sign up for any kind of monthly expense unless absolutely necessary.

Keep credit card usage limits - We can easily switch credit cards when we don't have money. It is important to understand whether we really need a credit card and the interest attached to the service. Evaluate the need to purchase items that can await the next pay cycle. Credit cards should only be used when needed. This will help you avoid unnecessary expenses.

This is a process - like Rome didn't happen in a day, and good things come with the price attached to it. Managing your cash flow is a process and it will slowly get on track. Develop healthy financial habits. These habits will help you better manage your cash flow.


Use money wisely - Try to use your money wisely. You can find options like discounts, coupons, sales and offers that should be used when shopping. Maximum return on your money should be your motto.

Consult - If for some reason you are not able to manage your cash flow and investments, it is always advisable to consult a financial advisor. A financial advisor will help you understand your goals and create a good financial planning strategy. Seeking expert advice will help you achieve your financial goals more easily.

Remember, it is very important for a salaried person to manage your cash flow. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Don’t push yourself even if goals aren’t achieved in the first few months. It is a practice and takes time.


Consult a consultant if you are stuck and unable to get things out. Better cash flow management will help you save but also contribute to a better retirement plan. As the saying goes, "If cash flow management is your problem, making more will not solve your problem", - Robert Kiyosaki.

And finally, set short-term goals, review the process in small steps and manage it easily.

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