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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Education Loan Subsidy For Student In gujarat

 Education Loan Subsidy For Student In gujarat

Countless words are written daily about the importance of education. Education is the only valuable.

asset humans can achieve. It is a gift that none can take away. Education is a very vital tool that is

used in the contemporary world to succeed. Education is important because it is used to mitigate

most of the challenges faced in life. The knowledge that is attained through education helps to open

doors for a lot of opportunities and better prospects in career growth. One who receives goodeducation gets a secure future; with education one can find most competitive jobs...

In the last decade and a half, Gujarat has achieved a lot in industrial Sector. Many new industries are
being set up in the state. In pursuance of this, in the last 15 years, demand for professional courses
has been increased in the state. It is also necessary that more students can give their contribution in
the development of the state after the completion of higher education. In these peripherals, the
parents have limited income and due to such limited income, the parents are confused about sending
their bright children to higher education, especially in professional courses. There are lot of expenses
like tuition fees, books/reading materials and expense of lodging while traveling abroad for higher
education. Thus, in such cases it is very difficult to pay high fees with limited income of their
guardians and to pursue higher education without any financial assistance, so the students have to
take education loan.

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