Income Certificate In Gram Panchayat
The main aim of our Government is to manage the country and keep it progressing. The varied needs of the people as a whole should be kept in mind and a ‘push’ needs to be given wherever necessary. Various schemes have been launched by both the State and Central Governments that the citizens can benefit from. However, in a country where the population is in billions, it is difficult to identify who is genuinely eligible for what type of benefit.

Therefore, the government issues various types of certifications on submission of valid proofs. One such type of certification is the Income Certificate. It can be used to take benefit of those schemes where eligibility is determined based on the annual income of the person or his family.
What is an Income Certificate?
An Income Certificate is a document issued by an authority under the State Government certifying the annual income of a person or his family from all sources. The actual authority that issues such a certificate varies from state to state. It is usually the Village Tahsildars that issue the certificate but many states and union territories also have District Magistrate / Collector, Revenue Circle Officers, Sub Divisional Magistrates or other District Authorities appointed for this purpose. In certain parts of the country, this certificate is also termed as ‘EWS certificate’ which stands for ‘Economically Weaker Section Certificate’.
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