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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Home Remedies Book, find a cure for each common ailments / illness


Home Remedies Book, find a cure for each common ailments / illness

No one can underestimate the beneficial effects of natural herbal home remedies.

No one can underestimate the beneficial effects of natural herbal home remedies. Many people & Doctors are in favor of using herbal remedies for their diseases. And this is somewhat true that herbs do not significantly put the body at harm rather provide beneficial effects.

Home Remedies & Natural Cures will provide best and effective home remedies for your basic ailments which attack people commonly once in a lifetime. For example, people suffer commonly from a cough, urinary tract infection (UTI), sore throat, jaundice, indigestion, impotence, and many others you’ll need some authentic source to get natural cures or antidotes for these illnesses which will cure your disease without putting your body at a risk. We recommend you to use our natural home remedies for any common disease, and we are sure you’ll then start using our home remedies frequently and also recommend others to use.

Home Remedies Book, find a cure for each common ailments / illness

Useful in weight loss

Mix a pinch of pepper in green tea and drink it two to three times a day. It breaks down excess fat. Improves the body's metabolism.

How to use?

You can also add pepper powder with a teaspoon of salt in the salad. Eat fried potatoes or chips with a pinch of pepper powder.

When you make any soup, add a little pepper to enhance its taste. This will give you relief from the cold and also increase the taste.

Learn how you can use natural remedies (alternative medicine or herbal healing/treatment) to replace many of the over-the-counter drugs most commonly used in the treatment of common diseases. If you use home remedies wisely, saving you time and money. I hope this application helps you find your own way of healing through natural remedies.

Cure aches and pains naturally. Top Home Remedies. Grandmother Remedies

"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food" - Hippocrates

What to do when you have headache, stomach ache, flu,  common cold  or other common illness. 

Include CPR Pocket Guide and more healthy functions. 

Free Home Remedies Pocket Book!

Cure aches and pains naturally!

A guide to Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Common Ailments/illness.

Natural home remedies are safe and useful for the common ailments. Most of the non life threatening illness can be treated at home. Learn how you can use natural cures to replace many of the most commonly used over-the-counter drugs in the treatment of common ailments and as cancer prevention. If you use home remedies wisely, it will save your time and money.

In this application you can find  -

Home Remedies Book, find a cure for each common ailments / illness :

- Natural teatment - Natural drugs

- Symptoms

- Causes

- Home Remedies

- Treatment

- Avois

- See Doctor

Healthy nutrition - Healthy foods (information) :

- Health benefit for fruits, vegetables , nuts and seeds 

- Home remedies

- Amount

- Minerals

- Vitamins

Emergancy - first aid guide :

- Symptoms

- First Aid

- More info

CPR Guide:


- CPR for infants

- CPR for children an adult

- First aid for choking

Vitamins Info: 

- General info

- Daily amound needed

- fruit source

- Vegetable source

- Nut or grain source

- Meat or protein source

- Legume source

- Synergistic

- Inhibtors

- Direct effect on body

- Symptoms of deficiency

- Ailments treated


Bood pressure diary (with graph and analysis)

BMI +BMR calculator - Ideal Body Weight Calculator

New* Blood Count Analysis Guide (Lymphocytes, Hemoglobin and more)

This application provides natural "home remedies" and health info for some common ailments and first aid, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice by a physician.

Natural Remedies Benefits:

- Composed of herbs, spices, fruits, and vegetables

- Simple purposes of preparing pure and no side in the body



Home Remedies PDF

Read News Report

- It can cure 200+ of most common dieases, illness and ailments such as acne, common cold, cough, flu, hair loss, back pain, stress, diabetes and high blood pressure

- There are 1500+ remedies and cures

- Effective to increase your child's immunity

- Helps to recover faster in the elderly

- Cheap and joy of self healing

- Natural Home Remedies helps you in cure of Asthma, Anaemia,Backache,Bad Breath,Bed Wetting,Boils,Bronchitis,Burns,Burning Urine,Blood in Urine,Common Cold,Cough,Chickenpox,Cholesterol,Corn,Constipation,Dandruff,Diabetes,Dehydration,Depression,Dry Skin,Dysentery,Eye Care,Ear Ache,Fever,Flu,Filaria,Gastric,Goitre,Hepatitis,Hair Loss,Hangovers,Headache,Heart Disease,Hiccups,Hoarse Voice,High BP,Impotence,Indigestion,Infertility,Intestinal Worms,Itching,Joint Pain,Jaundice,Kidney Stones,Leucoderma,Malaria,Measles,Mumps,Muscle Cramps,Bleeding Nose,Obesity,Peptic Ulcer,Piles,Poor Memory,Prickly Heat,Ringworm,Scars,Sinusitis,Sneezing,Soar Throat,Stomach Ache,Stroke,Sun Burn,Tooth Ache,Tonsillitis,Warts,Weight Loss,Migraine,Diarrhea and many many more

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