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Friday, February 25, 2022

How to develop reading skill ?


How to develop reading skill ?


How to develop reading skill ?

Generally in our colloquial we use our mother tongue or regional language. Our fluency remains while talking in our language. When the opportunity comes to speak a language that is rarely used, the fluency is reduced. Reading is necessary to speak any language Fluent. Because only reading is the only way due to which we learn to speak any language fluently. If you are a parent and want your child to speak a specific language fluently, then for this you have to inculcate the habit of reading. You can follow these tips to bring fluency in their reading skills.

Pregnancy Screening
Make a habit of listening to audio books
tips to improve your kid to reading skill i

The best way to improve the reading skills of the child is to do audio books to him. You must have also seen that children remember easily by listening to any song. By listening to audio books daily, the child will start understanding that language. In no time, gradually his reading skills will start improving.

Echo Reading
Echo reading is the repetition of some sentences of the book to be read again and again. Write the sentence to the child on the white board. Ask the child to repeat these sentences over and over again. You can also show these sentences by writing them on the computer screen. When the child reads again and again, fluency will automatically arise. If a child is stealing from studies even during exam days, then increase interest with these 4 tips

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This is one of the oldest yet effective ways by which you can improve your child’s reading skills. Read any story book or newspaper to the child. Also ask him to read it. Read slowly one line and move on. You will see that within a few days the child has started studying with you. And with daily practice, he will probably be seen trying to read before you.

Also read: To make a child fast in studies, then feed them these five things during the day

through activity
tips to improve your kid to reading skill inside

When we read a sentence, in addition to some of the words read, some new words are also added to it. We should do the same thing with children. Mark some words in one of your books. Divide these marked words into groups of 4 to 5 words. Group the words in such a way that they are slightly related to each other. Then ask the child to make a meaningful sentence using words from a group. This will give mental exercise to the child as well as he will learn it by having fun. In this way gradually he will learn to speak in fluency. Make children happy by giving this healthy food in tiffin

In this way, with the help of these tips, you can improve your child’s reading skills

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