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Tuesday, July 4, 2023

School Students Profile Bio Data file

 Students Profile Bio Data file

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Students Profile Bio Data file

Ten years ago today, mobiles started circulating in people’s homes. The uniqueness of science and technology to provide better service through frequent improvements was also implemented in mobile technology. Smartphones began to be made available through the Internet. This phone was replaced by Android instead of Windows.

Thus Android was challenged to compete with Windows. As a result, more e-learning on PCs than Windows and more studies on smartphones than Android. Of course, since July 2015, under the name of Windows 10, Microsoft has also started making software and servers for smartphones. It can be said that due to these two competitions, e-learning will be more convenient for the scholars. 

Virtual Classd – rooms): The whole field of art creates an illusion, and through it provides entertainment and education. The picture of the world-famous Mona Lisa is, after all, a canvas and a vertical line of colors. But a fan of art does not see the canvas, nor the lines of colors. He sees a woman giving a sweet smile.

The devotee enjoys the illusion created by his painter. The same is true in plays, films, etc. Even in education, when there is teaching from puppets to plays, there is also an illusion. Oops! If a history teacher teaches Gandhiji’s struggle for freedom, if he vividly describes Gandhiji’s works and lectures, it also leaves an indelible mark on the mind of the student


Even if Gandhiji is not present there. The same thing applies with e-learning on a large scale and with the help of technology. Appearance is to believe in what is not. A classroom is a virtual classroom in which the illusion is created in front of the students and education is imparted through it. With the help of internet, education can also be given by creating such illusions on the screen of the student’s computer or smart phone.

If this perceptual technology is used on the big screen of the smart classrooms of the school, the students will discuss with each other, get the necessary guidance from the mentor, and discuss with the students and teachers watching the same program elsewhere. All this is possible in virtual classrooms. Digital technology is also used to make virtual images effective and vivid.

Internet of Nano Things (IONT): This change has come for the business of things and things. When the items for sale are shown on a vivid screen, the customer decides whether to buy or not by getting the complete information.

Over time it has become clear that even a scholar has to get the necessary and relevant information from a variety of sources. Therefore, it was considered necessary to start using this technology in e-learning, but before that use, scientists invented nano-sensors. Students Profile Bio Data file.

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As a result, in addition to digital technology, sensor technology is now being added to e-learning. The combination of digital and nano-sensors has created a situation where huge amounts of information can be presented through a very small size device as well as necessary and relevant information can be given to the student.

This technology, which was started in the field of business, will also be used in the field of education in the coming years. It is worth noting that the introduction of sensors in e-learning is undergoing a major change.

At the heart of this whole chapter, if there is one thing, is that e-learning, which has the potential to radically change society and education, has been introduced. In the event that the old structure crumbles, if those who preserve the structure cannot read the text on the Sami wall, e-learning will explode in the short term in the future.

Therefore, disobedient people need to be flexible. All parties involved in this framework should first make a sincere effort to understand e-learning. It should not be underestimated as a technical update. If they try to understand first, and then start making their organizations e-learning centers, there will be painless changes.

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Otherwise a lot of chaos will spread. E-learning has become a major cause of change in the existing education structure. The fact is that this factor of change itself is constantly changing. It is like taking the example of our earth here. It orbits the sun in an elliptical orbit. This changes the seasons, etc., but the earth also revolves around its own axis as it orbits the sun.

That is why day-night and moment-to-moment changes come on it. Something similar is happening to e-learning in education. E-learning itself has started to change in education, but e-learning is also constantly changing. We see the details of these changes. Overall, these changes are intended to make e-learning easier and more study-oriented.

Therefore, in a very short period of time, it has started gaining more and more place in the field of education. It is important to note that the fact that knowledge (as stated in Chapter-4 is the study + understanding of the subject matter), not that any divine power is an object and can be bought and sold like other objects, has economics, and The fact that it is regenerated on a daily basis is evident from e-learning, and so is the trade in knowledge, as is the trade in other substances.

The ever-evolving e-learning has brought to light the true concept of the basic substance (knowledge) of education. ICT in education is evolving very fast. This is one of the most important areas in the field of ICT in the field of education. For their contribution, they try to complete their work well by getting the cooperation of commuter experts, subject matter experts and academics. 

Students Bio Data file

Students Profile Bio Data file

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Students Profile Bio Data file

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