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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Jamnagar Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2023 For Clerk And Other Post

 Jamnagar Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2023 For Clerk And Other Post

Jamnagar Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2023 : Jamnagar Municipal Corporation has Recently Invites Application for the Additional Assistant Engineer & Clerk Recruitment 2023, Eligible Candidates Apply Before Last Date, For More Details About JMC Recruitment 2023 given below article Or Offical Advertisement.

JMC Vacancy 2023 DetailsAdditional Assistant Engineer : 30
clerk : 30
Age LimitsMaximum: 33 Years
Education QualificationAdditional Assistant Engineer : Degree/ Diploma in B.Tech
Clerk : Graduate English/ Gujarati Data Entry Work 5000 KDPH
Pay ScaleAdditional Assistant Engineer Rs. 17,000/-
clerk Rs. 15,500/-
Selection ProcessTest/ Interview
How to Apply Online For Jamnagar Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2023Eligible Candidates Send Their Application With Copies of all Necessary Documents a passport size Photograph by Self.
Address: Given on Advertisement

Note: The Applicants Are Requested to Read the Official Notification Carefully Before Applying.
Important DatesNotification Date : 27-9-2023
Starting Date for Submission : 30-9-2023
Last Date for Submission : 14-10-2023

Important Links

Official Notification : View

Official Website : View

Apply Online : Starts On 30th September

How to Check CPF Registration Date


How to Check CPF Registration Date

સીપીએફ માં જોડાયા તારીખ કઈ રીતે શોધવી તેના માટેના સ્ટેપ નીચે આપેલ છે એ મુજબ પ્રોસેસ કરવાથી સીપીએફમાં રજીસ્ટ્રેશન ની તારીખ તમે જોઈ શકશો.

સીપીએફ રજીસ્ટ્રેશન ની તારીખ શોધવા માટે નીચે મુજબના સ્ટેપને અનુસરો.

સૌપ્રથમ નીચે આપેલી લીંક પર ક્લિક કરીને એનપીએસ ની એપ્લિકેશન ડાઉનલોડ કરો.

Link :

NPS ની એપ્લિકેશન ખોલી અને લોગીન પર ક્લિક કરો.

લોગીન પર ક્લિક કરતા નીચે મુજબની સ્ક્રીન તમને જોવા મળશે. તેમાં તમારો PRAN નંબર અને તમારો પાસવર્ડ નાખો.

જો પાસવર્ડ ખબર ના હોય તો લોગીન ના નીચે રીસેટ પાસવર્ડ લખેલું છે એના પર ક્લિક કરો.

રીસેટ પાસવર્ડ પર ક્લિક કરતા બે ઓપ્શન ખુલશે જેમાં પ્રથમ ઓપ્શનમાં યુઝિંગ સિક્રેટ ક્વેશ્ચન અને બીજા ઓપ્શનમાં યુઝિંગ ઓટીપી આવું લખેલું જોવા મળશે એમાં યુઝિંગ ઓટીપી પર ક્લિક કરવું.

Aaa Using OTP પર ક્લિક કરતા નીચે મુજબની સ્ક્રીન જોવા મળશે. જેમાં તમારો PRAN નંબર નાખો. તમારી જન્મ તારીખ નાખો. તમારે જે પાસવર્ડ બનાવવો છે તે પાસવર્ડ બે વખત લખો. પછી કેપ્ચામાં સરવાળો કે બાદબાકી આપેલ હશે એનો જવાબ લખી નાખો. ત્યારબાદ જનરેટ ઓટીપી પર ક્લિક કરો એટલે તમારા રજીસ્ટર કરેલા મોબાઈલ ઉપર ઓટીપી આવશે એ ઓટીપી નાખતા તમે નક્કી કરેલ પાસવર્ડ સેટ થઈ જશે. હવે તમારા PRAN નંબર અને પાસવર્ડ ની મદદથી લોગીન કરો.

લોગીન કરતા નીચે મુજબની સ્ક્રીન ખુલશે. જેમાં EMAIL/DOWNLOAD TRANSACTION STATEMENT પર ક્લિક કરવું.

EMAIL/DOWNLOAD TRANSACTION STATEMENT પર ક્લિક કરતા નીચે મુજબની સ્ક્રીન જોવા મળશે. એમાં બે ઓપ્શન બતાવશે. પહેલા ઓપ્શનમાં તમારું સ્ટેટમેન્ટ છે એ ઈમેલમાં આવશે જો ઇમેલ આઇડી રજીસ્ટર કરેલી હશે તો જ ઈમેલમાં આવશે અને બીજું ઓપ્શન છે એમાં તમે તમારું સ્ટેટમેન્ટ છે એ ડાઉનલોડ કરી શકશો.

સ્ટેટમેન્ટ ડાઉનલોડ પર ક્લિક કરતા નીચે મુજબની સ્ક્રીન ખુલશે એમાં સબમિટ આપવાનો. સબમીટ આપશો એટલે તમારું સ્ટેટમેન્ટ ડાઉનલોડ થવાનું ચાલુ થશે અને સ્ટેટમેન્ટ ડાઉનલોડ થયા પછી એના નીચે જે ઓપ્શન છે એ ઓપ્શનમાંથી તમે સ્ટેટમેન્ટ જોઈ શકશો એને ઓપન કરી શકશો. 

હવે Per Day SOT Download history પર ક્લિક કરતા ઓપન ઉપર ક્લિક કરી સ્ટેટમેન્ટ જોઈ શકાશે. સ્ટેટમેન્ટ જોતા નીચે મુજબના ફોટા માં બતાવ્યા પ્રમાણે સૌથી પહેલું ઓપ્શન રજીસ્ટ્રેશન ડેટ લખેલી હશે એમાં તમારું સીપીએફ નું રજીસ્ટ્રેશન ક્યારે થયું એ તમે જોઈ શકશો.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

ધોરણ-૬ થી ૮ ના તમામ વિષયોની પાઠ વાઈઝ અધ્યયન નિષ્પત્તિઓ આધારિત ઈનટરેક્ટીવ એજ્યુકેશનલ GAME || EDUCATIONAL GAME

 ધોરણ-૬ થી ૮ ના તમામ વિષયોની પાઠ વાઈઝ અધ્યયન નિષ્પત્તિઓ આધારિત ઈનટરેક્ટીવ એજ્યુકેશનલ GAME || EDUCATIONAL GAME

 Test is taken in all primary schools of Gujarat. It is given every time in the test.Request to all primary school teachers of Gujarat or visit daily blogs regarding primary school teachers in which circular news unit test tests are placed on each item daily.Official Video determines why it is now mandatory to receive a letter so all friends will be informedVisit this blog for all the information about primary school exam papers, newsletters artist results, results leaflets, monthly leaflets, payroll etc.Request for any information regarding primary education from any block of Arvind parmar at any timeDesigned specifically for primary school teachers, named Arvind parmar, inform people of all such friends every day. Every primary teacher should be aware of this.A request to all 33 district teachers of Gujarat that is working in every subject in grades 1 to 8 in primary school will get all the literature from Arvind parmar blog.Visit Arvind's's blog to get materials related to elementary school Gujarati Mathematics Science Social Science Sanskrit Hindi English for all subject 6 and 7Primary School Gujarati 

અગત્યની લીંક

ધોરણ-૬ થી ૮ ના તમામ વિષયોની પાઠ વાઈઝ અધ્યયન નિષ્પત્તિઓ આધારિત ઈનટરેક્ટીવ એજ્યુકેશનલ Game રમવા માટે : અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

Hindi English Sanskrit Mathematics Social Science Science and Technology Materials of all subject material can be found from this blogIf you are a primary teacher and have liked this blog information, you will know all your primary teacher friendsAll material and all the information about pragna abhigam running in grades 1 and 2 in primary school will be available from this blog.

Junagadh Municipal Corporation Bharti 2023: જૂનાગઢ માં સ્ટાફ નર્સ, FHW, MPHW અને અન્ય જગ્યાઓ ભરતી

 Junagadh Municipal Corporation Bharti 2023: જૂનાગઢ મહાનગરપાલિકા માં સ્ટાફ નર્સ, FHW, MPHW અને અન્ય જગ્યાઓ ભરતી

Junagadh Municipal Corporation Bharti 2023: જુનાગઢ મહાનગરપાલિકામાં U-PHC અને U-CHCમાં ફાર્માસીસ્ટ, લેબ ટેકનિશ્યન, સ્ટાફ નર્સ અને અન્ય કુલ 89 જગ્યાઓ સીધી ભરતીથી ભરવા માટે નિયત નમુનામાં જુનાગઢ મહાનગરપાલિકાની વેબસાઇટ દ્વારા માત્ર ઓનલાઈન અરજીઓ મંગાવવામાં આવે છે.

Junagadh Municipal Corporation Bharti 2023

પોસ્ટ ટાઈટલ જુનાગઢ મહાનગરપાલિકા ભરતી 2023

પોસ્ટ નામ સ્ટાફ નર્સ, FHW, MPHW અને અન્ય

કુલ જગ્યા 89

છેલ્લી તારીખ 17-10-2023

સત્તાવાર વેબસાઈટ

અરજી પ્રકાર ઓનલાઈન

જુનાગઢ મ્યુનિસિપલ કોર્પોરેશન ભરતી 2023

જુનાગઢ મહાનગરપાલિકા દ્વારા જાહેર કરવામાં આવેલ ભરતી માટે યોગ્ય લાયકાત ધરાવતા ઉમેદવારે વેબસાઈટ પર તારીખ 18-09-2023, 14:00 કલાક થી તારીખ 17-10-2023, રાત્રીના 23:59 કલાક સુધીમાં ઓનલાઈન અરજીઓ કરવાની રહેશે.

89 જગ્યાઓ પર ભરતી

ફાર્માસીસ્ટ : 8 જગ્યા

લેબ ટેકનિશ્યન : 9 જગ્યા

એક્સ-રે ટેકનિશ્યન : 1 જગ્યા

સ્ટાફ નર્સ : 7 જગ્યા

ફિમેલ હેલ્થ વર્કર : 32 જગ્યા

મલ્ટી પર્પઝ હેલ્થ વર્કર : 32 જગ્યા

શૈક્ષણિક લાયકાત

જૂનાગઢ મહાનગરપાલિકા ભરતી ના સત્તાવાર જાહેરાત માં જણાવ્યા મુજબ દરેક પોસ્ટ માટે લાયકાત અલગ અલગ છે. તેમજ વધુ માહિતી માટે ઓફિશ્યિલ નોટિફિકેશન વાંચવું.

પગાર ધોરણ

જૂનાગઢ મહાનગરપાલિકા ભરતી ના સત્તાવાર જાહેરાત માં જણાવ્યા મુજબ નીચે જણાવેલ છે.

જગ્યાનું નામ.     પગાર ધોરણ

ફાર્માસીસ્ટ, વર્ગ 3 રૂ:- 31340/-

લેબ ટેકનિશ્યન, વર્ગ 3 રૂ:- 31340/-

એક્સ-રે ટેકનિશ્યન, વર્ગ 3 રૂ:- 38090/-

સ્ટાફ નર્સ, વર્ગ 3 રૂ:- 31340/-

ફિમેલ હેલ્થ વર્કર, વર્ગ 3 રૂ:- 19950

મલ્ટી પર્પઝ હેલ્થ વર્કર, વર્ગ 3 રૂ:- 19950

વય મર્યાદા

સત્તાવાર જાહેરાતમાં જણાવ્યા મુજબ દરેક પોસ્ટ માટે અલગ અલગ વય મર્યાદા છે. અરજી સ્વીકારવાની છેલી તારીખનાં રોજ

જગ્યાનું નામ   વય મર્યાદા

ફાર્માસીસ્ટ, વર્ગ 3 18 વર્ષ થી 35 વર્ષ

લેબ ટેકનિશ્યન, વર્ગ 3 18 વર્ષ થી 36 વર્ષ

એક્સ-રે ટેકનિશ્યન, વર્ગ 3 18 વર્ષ થી 35 વર્ષ

સ્ટાફ નર્સ, વર્ગ 3  18 વર્ષ થી 40 વર્ષ

ફિમેલ હેલ્થ વર્કર, વર્ગ 3 18 વર્ષ થી 33 વર્ષ

મલ્ટી પર્પઝ હેલ્થ વર્કર, વર્ગ 3 18 વર્ષ થી 33 વર્ષ

અરજી કેવી રીતે કરવી ?

કોઇપણ સંજોગોમાં ટપાલથી કે રૂબરૂ અરજી સ્વીકારવામાં આવશે નહી. ફક્ત ઓનલાઈન અરજી કરવાની રહેશે. આ જગ્યાઓની શૈક્ષણિક લાયકાત, પગારધોરણ તેમજ અન્ય માહિતીઓ OJAS વેબસાઈટ પરથી મેળવાની રહેશે. ઉમેદવારે નિયત થયેલ ફી 17-10-2023, 23:59 કલાક સુધીમાં ઓનલાઈન ભરપાઈ કરવાની રહેશે. ફી વગરની અરજીઓ આપોઆપ નામંજુર ગણવામાં આવશે. આ ભરતી પ્રક્રિયા બાબતે પસંદગી સમિતિ દ્વારા જરૂર જણાય તો મેરીટ આધારિત શોર્ટ લીસ્ટેડ થયેલ ઉમેદવારોને જ ફક્ત પ્રથમ તબ્બકે ફિઝીકલ ડોક્યુમેન્ટ વેરીફીકેશનમાં બોલાવવામાં આવશે. સરકારશ્રીના નીતિ નિયમો અનુસાર અનામત કક્ષાના ઉમેદવારોને ઉંમરમાં છૂટછાટ આપવામાં આવશે. આ જગ્યાઓ સરકારશ્રી દ્વારા મંજુર કરવામાં આવેલ મુદતી જગ્યાઓ છે, આ જગ્યાઓનું કોઈપણ પ્રકારના ભારણ અંગે મહાનગરપાલિકાની કોઇપણ જવાબદારી રહેશે નહિ. વધુ વિગત માટે જુનાગઢ મહાનગરપાલિકાની વેબસાઈટ પરથી જાણકારી મેળવી લેવી. આ ભરતી પ્રક્રિયા બાબતે કમિશ્નરશ્રી, જુનાગઢ મહાનગરપાલિકા, જુનાગઢ જે નિર્ણય કરે તે આખરી અને દરેકને બંધન કર્તા રહેશે.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Std 10 and 12 board exam paper style 2023-24 and paper solution

Std 10 and 12 board exam paper style 2023-24 and paper solution

In order to get good numbers in 10th board exam, how should you prepare, for this, we are giving you some tips, which can help you to do more good by applying them and you will be able to get good numbers in this important 10th exam.

Regular studies –

If you want to bring good numbers in 10th board, then for this you will have to study daily. There is no option for hard work. If you work hard, you will definitely get good numbers. For this, you have to start your study by making your own time table from the beginning. Because if you keep on studying, you will not be able to complete your course. Therefore, while focusing on all your subjects, prepare a time table for their good preparation and engage in studies.

Prepare Notes –

In every school, students are provided notes by teachers for studies. But it will not prove to be as effective for you. If you prepare your notes yourself, then you will be able to understand that topic very well and when you read through the notes at the end, it will also make you very easy to understand it. And you will remember those topics and topics quickly. When making notes, highlight important topics, formulas and headings.

Revise frequently –

In order to remember any topic well, it is important that you revise the subject so many times. Many times students are satisfied only by completing the course once. But when they remember the answer to the question in the exam, then they do not understand anything. Because no topic is remembered by repeating it only once. So complete all your courses by making a time table. And then revise them so that you can remember that topic very well.

Don’t read more from reference books –

Many times students start reading from many books due to wrong guidance. But due to reading from many types of books, they are unable to complete the syllabus of the course book. And this is their biggest mistake. Before reading any reference book, complete the syllabus of your course. After that you have a lot of time for revision. And choose one reference book instead of more reference for revision.

Study Previous Year Paper –

Before the exam, students do not understand what the pattern of the paper will be and how the distribution of marks in it will be. For this, the best solution is to solve the previous years paper. This will make them easier to solve the paper. And students will also be able to understand how questions are asked in the paper. And by solving these papers, the students will also be able to reduce the pressure on their exams. Because they can solve these papers as a pre exam. This will also let them know how to solve the paper within the right time.

So in today’s article how to prepare for 10th board, we have given you some tips which will prove very beneficial in the preparation of your 10th board and by following these things you will be able to get good numbers. We hope that you will like this suggestion related to the preparation of 10th Board. Apart from this, if you have any other questions in your mind, then you can comment in the comment box below. We will be happy to answer your questions.

10th board marksheet is necessary for any of your interviews in the future, so good numbers in this exam make it easier to get a good job in your future. Good numbers coming in 10th also provide a lot of support in scholarship in further studies. Therefore, to clear this exam with good numbers and to strengthen the foundation of your good future, you need to work hard.

Std 10 paper solution

Gujarat Board Std 10 Paper Solution 2023 pdf Download

અંગ્રેજી પેપર સોલ્યુશન

Standard 10 and 12 board exam forms will be filled in January

Standard 10 and 12 board exam forms will be filled in January, exam will be held in May, possibility of mass promotion in other standards Gandhinagar 24 minutes before share •

Under normal circumstances exam is held in March, before November The process of form is started in a month. Due to corona in Gujarat, the standard 10 and 12 board exams are to be held in May, while the online examination form of the board of secondary education is likely to be filled in January, under normal circumstances the forms are filled in November

Due to TT Corona, the operations of the board have been pushed back by the Board of Secondary Education in March every year. The 12th examination is held and the process of filling up the online form for this examination is started four months before, i.e. in November.

Further preparation for the examination is done by the board after the completion of the online form filling process of the board in a period of about one and a half months. However, this time due to Corona, various operations of the board have to be taken back. Possibility of getting mass promotion in other standards Since the arrival of Corona in March 2020, so far all schools have been offering only online education.

If this situation continues in the coming days, my children can be taken to the next standard by passing my promotion or any other means in other standards, but since the students of Std. 10 and Std. 12 have to take the exam, the state education minister recently Corona was announced to be held in May 2021. Following the announcement, the board is now planning to start filling up online forms for Std. 10 and 12 examinations in January. The online form can be filled up four months before the board exam and then the board can do other work properly.

The work will start in January and even after the completion of this work by the end of February, the board will have two months to prepare, so that the board can conduct the examination properly in May.

New Paper Style SSC HSC Exam 2024

New NCERT દ્વારા ઘટાડેલ અભ્યાસક્રમ મુજબ ધોરણ 10 અને 12 નો પ્રકરણ પ્રમાણે ગુણભાર તથા પ્રશ્નપત્રનું પરિરૂપ

શૈક્ષણિક વર્ષ-૨૦૨૩-૨૪ માટે NCERT દ્વારા ઘટાડેલ અભ્યાસક્રમ સંદર્ભે પાઠ્યપુસ્તકોમાં થયેલ ફેરફાર અન્વયે તૈયાર કરેલ ધોરણ-૯ અને ધોરણ-૧૧ના પ્રશ્નપત્ર પરિરૂપ

गुजरात में कोनोकार्पस के पौधों की खेती पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया है।

 खांसी-दमा जैसी बीमारियों के कारण वन विभाग ने गुजरात में कोनोकार्पस के पौधों की खेती पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया है।

गांधीनगर समाचार: गुजरात के वन विभाग की ओर से एक बड़ा फैसला लिया गया है। गुजरात में वन विभाग ने वन विभाग की नर्सरियों में कोनोकार्पस के पौधे उगाने पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया है। यह निर्णय वन विभाग ने इसलिए लिया है क्योंकि कोनोकार्पस से पर्यावरण को नुकसान हो रहा है। महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि निजी आधार पर कोनोकार्पस पौध उगाने पर भी प्रतिबंध लगाने पर विचार किया जा रहा है। आने वाले दिनों में गुजरात में कोनोकार्पस की बुआई पर भी रोक लग सकती है.

1. कोनाकार्पस मिट्टी से पानी खींचता है

शोध से यह भी पता चला है कि कोनोकार्पस मानव जीवन के लिए हानिकारक है। शोध से यह भी पता चला है कि कोनोकार्पस के कारण खांसी, जुकाम, अस्थमा जैसी बीमारियां होती हैं। इसके आसपास कुछ देर रहने से आंखें सूज जाती हैं, लाल हो जाती हैं और खुजली होने लगती है. इसके अलावा अस्थमा के मरीजों को भी परेशानी हो सकती है. कोनाकार्पस की जड़ें गहरी होती हैं जो मिट्टी से पानी खींचती हैं। जिससे ड्रेनेज लाइन, संचार जैसी सुविधाओं को भी नुकसान पहुंचता है।

2. वडोदरा नगर निगम ने कोनोकार्पस पेड़ों को हटाने का फैसला किया है

आपको बता दें कि कुछ महीने पहले वडोदरा नगर निगम ने 2017 में लगाए गए 3 हजार कोनोकार्पस पेड़ों को हटाने का फैसला किया था। वर्ष 2017 में शहर को हरा-भरा बनाने के लिए पौधे लगाए गए थे। नगर पालिका ने पाया कि पेड़ अधिक पानी सोख रहे थे और ऑक्सीजन नहीं दे रहे थे। इसलिए निगम ने कोनोकार्पस पेड़ों को हटाने और अन्य पेड़ लगाने का फैसला किया।

3. अमीबेन रावत विशेषज्ञ की सलाह के बिना किया पौधारोपण:

वडोदरा नगर निगम के इस फैसले के बाद वडोदरा कांग्रेस पार्षद अमीबेन रावत ने निशाना साधा और कहा कि पागल बबूल की तरह कोनोकार्पस लगाकर निगम को लाखों का नुकसान हुआ है. उन्होंने कहा कि विशेषज्ञों की सलाह के बिना पेड़ लगाए गए। पेड़ों के पीछे बर्बाद हो गए 6 साल शहर को हरा-भरा दिखाने के लिए निगम ने पौधे लगाए। उन्होंने कहा कि निगम ऐसे फल-फूल रहा है मानो उसे पर्यावरण की कोई परवाह ही नहीं है. उन्होंने कहा कि 27 साल के शासन के बाद भी कोई ग्रीनफील्ड विकसित नहीं किया गया. 10 लाख क्षेत्र में 2 लाख पेड़ लगाए और अपना समुदाय विकसित किया।

Read Also:- આ માહિતી ગુજરાતી માં વાંચો.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Give these things in the morning breakfast, the body will be very healthy along with strong bones


Give these things in the morning breakfast, the body will be very healthy along with strong bones

Give these things in the morning breakfast, the body will be very healthy along with strong bones

  • Plan a healthy diet for children
  • Include these items in the diet
  • These foods are rich in protein


Oatmeal is a beneficial cereal prepared from wheat. By eating which the body gets a lot of fiber and calcium. Oatmeal is a good option for brain development and bone strength in children. Eating it gives energy to the body. Due to which the ability to remember increases.

Delicate bones, skin cells and brain neurons remain free. In this condition, what is fed to children has both good and bad effects. Let's know about the benefits of the most beneficial snacks for children.

Every parent is very concerned about the development of children. Everyone thinks my son or daughter should look like one in a million. For this it is very important to feed nutritious food. Because when a baby is born, its cells continue to develop.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી માહિતી રીપોર્ટ

Peanut butter

From children to adults, the diet tells about their health status. Gym trainers and dieticians advise everyone to eat peanut butter. Because it is a good source of protein. Along with this, all the nutrients required for the development of children are also present. Like iron, potassium, minerals and vitamins etc. Eating it daily in brown bread promotes muscle growth.

Parable of semolina

Soji upma should be included in breakfast. Its consumption does not increase the weight of the child and the stomach feels full. Consuming it daily keeps the body energized and is considered to be most beneficial for digestion. So giving children semolina for breakfast can be a better option.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Watch Live: PM Modi's Exclusive Telecast


Watch Live: PM Modi's Exclusive Telecast on Education Initiatives"

 "Watch Live: PM Modi's Exclusive Telecast on Education Initiatives"


As education remains one of the cornerstones of any progressive society, it comes as no surprise that world leaders are increasingly emphasizing the need for quality education. In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been at the forefront of transformative education initiatives, making it accessible and inclusive for all. To keep citizens informed and inspired, PM Modi is set to address the nation with an exclusive live telecast on his education policies. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of this telecast and how it impacts the future of education in India.

1. Understanding the Importance of Education in India:

Education plays a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of a nation. India, being a diverse and populous country, faces unique challenges in providing equitable access to quality education. Prime Minister Modi's government has been striving to bridge the gap between urban and rural education facilities, making education accessible to the remotest corners of the country.

2. PM Modi's Education Initiatives:

In his live telecast, PM Modi is likely to shed light on some of the key education initiatives launched by his government. These initiatives are aimed at transforming the education landscape and empowering the youth with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

a. Digital India in Education: PM Modi's Digital India campaign has revolutionized the way education is delivered in the country. With the proliferation of digital technologies, students can now access online resources, e-learning platforms, and digital libraries, opening up new opportunities for learning.

b. Skill Development Programs: Recognizing the importance of vocational skills in today's job market, the government has been implementing skill development programs to equip students with practical skills, making them job-ready.

c. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao: This flagship program aims to promote girls' education and bridge the gender gap in education. By encouraging girl child education, the government seeks to empower women and strengthen the social fabric of the nation.

d. New Education Policy (NEP): The recently introduced NEP has been hailed as a game-changer in the Indian education system. PM Modi may elaborate on its core principles and how it intends to revamp the curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment methods to promote holistic development.

3. Impact on the Future of Education:

The live telecast by PM Modi is not just another political address; it signifies the government's unwavering commitment to education and its potential to shape India's future. By watching this telecast, citizens will gain insights into the government's vision for education, and how they can actively participate in driving positive change.

4. How to Watch the Live Telecast:

The live telecast of PM Modi's address on education can be viewed through various platforms. It is likely to be aired on major news channels and streamed on official government websites and social media channels. Additionally, for those who miss the live broadcast, the recording may be made available for later viewing. 

અગત્યની લીંક

વેબસાઇટ પર કાર્યક્રમ લાઇવ જોવા અહિં ક્લીક કરો

યુ ટયુબ પર કાર્યક્રમ લાઇવ જોવા અહિં ક્લીક કરો


Education is the cornerstone of progress and development, and it is heartening to witness the Indian government's efforts to transform the education landscape. With Prime Minister Modi's exclusive telecast on education initiatives, citizens have a unique opportunity to understand the government's vision, policies, and ongoing efforts to create a brighter future for the youth. Let us tune in, get inspired, and actively contribute to the journey of building a stronger and more educated India.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

VMC Recruitment 2023

 VMC Recruitment 2023

VMC Recruitment 2023

An advertisement for several positions has been released by the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC Recruitment 2023).
The official advertisement should be consulted by eligible candidates before submitting an application for this variety of posts.

Other information on the VMC Various Posts job, such as the age restriction, educational requirements, application fee, and the application process, is provided below.

VMC Recruitment 2023
Recruitment Organization: Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC)
Posts Name: Various Posts
Vacancies: 30
Job Location: India
Last Date to Apply: 06-10-2023
Mode of Apply: Online
Category; VMC Recruitment 2023VMC Recruitment 2023
Job Details:VMC Recruitment 2023
Various PostsTotal No. of Posts:
30Educational Qualification:
Please read the Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.Selection Process:
Candidates will be selected based on an interview.How to Apply ?
Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through the official Website.Important Dates VMC Recruitment 2023
Apply Start 22-09-2023
Last Date to Apply 06-10-2023Important Links VMC Recruitment 2023

Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal (GSSSB) Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) Junior Clerk Question Paper 2023

Posts Name: Junior Clerk

Exam Date: 08-01-2023

Download Question Paper PDF: Google Drive Link: Click Here | Download Link: Click Here

Download OMR Sheet: Click Here 

Official Website:

DHS Gandhinagar Bharti 2023

 DHS Gandhinagar Bharti 2023

DHS Gandhinagar Bharti 2023 : Are you also looking for a job or someone in your family or friend circle needs a job then we have brought good news for you because Health Department Gandhinagar has direct recruitment for various posts without exam so we request you to Please read this article till the end and share this article to everyone who is in dire need of a job.

Important Date

Friends this recruitment notification was released in District Health Society Gandhinagar Ghwara on 14th September 2023. And the starting date of filling this recruitment form is 14 September 2023 while the last date of filling the form is 28 September 2023.
Post Name

As per the notification District Health Society Gandhinagar is recruiting for the post of Medical Officer, Audiologist, Counsellor, Staff Nurse, Rehabilitation Worker.

Friends, the qualification is different for all the posts which you can see in the advertisement with the help of below given link.
Salary Scale

This District Health Society Gandhinagar recruitment has different pay scales for each post which you can see in the table given below.
Selection Process

Candidates will be selected through online application or interview on scheduled date. Candidate will be selected on 11 months contract. Interested candidates can apply through official website of health department
Application Fee

Application fee is kept free for all candidates to apply in this Health Department Gandhinagar recruitment means you don’t have to pay any kind of application fee to apply.
Age Limit

There is no minimum age limit to apply in this DHS Gandhinagar recruitment while the maximum age limit is different for all the posts.
Documents Required To Apply

If you want to apply then you have to submit the following proofs.Aadhar card
Computer Course Certificate
Study Mark Sheet
Experience Certificate (If Any)
And Others
Total Vacancy

In this recruitment of DHS Gandhinagar 04 Medical Officer, 01 Audiologist, 02 Counselor, 07 Staff Nurse, 04 Rehabilitation Worker are vacant.
How To Apply?First of all download the advertisement using the link given below and check whether you are eligible to apply or not.
Now go to the official website of the health department go to the current opening section and register.
Now login using ID password and click on Apply Now button given near the post for which you want to apply.
Now fill all your details in the online form and upload the required documents.
Now take a print out of the online form.
So your form will be filled successfully.

Important Link

Job Advertisement : Click Here

Apply : Click Here

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