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Thursday, December 21, 2023

Marriage Age: What should be the age difference between husband and wife for marriage? What does science say?

 Marriage Age: What should be the age difference between husband and wife for marriage?  What does science say?

 Ideal Age Gap In Relationship: Marriages are happening everywhere you look.  In fact this is the wedding season.  Nowadays most people marry for love.  But the most important issue is age.  Which people don't think much about nowadays.

There are many things to keep in mind while getting married, which makes life easier for the couple.  All this raises an important question, that is the age difference between the two.

Most of the times you have heard that a girl should be younger than a boy.  The world that society mostly approves of.  But why?  Now a days in love marriage boy and girl are same age and sometimes girl is older than boy.  Sometimes the age gap between husband and wife is also very large.

Nowadays people don't see or think much about age.  Because choosing and accepting a partner is considered more important.  So people think it is appropriate not to give too much to this age difference by naming it as old customs and traditions.

But science says something different when it comes to age limits.  According to experts, the boy's age for marriage should be more than the girl's age.  In this the husband should be 4 to 6 years older than the wife and this is called the ideal age.

There is a biological and psychological rationale behind this, which is also very relevant.

Females become physically mature 3 to 4 years earlier than males.  Their hormones make them age faster and they also look older than men.  Compared to this, men tend to age later so science says that age difference between husband and wife is necessary.

Marriage Age: લગ્ન માટે પતિ પત્નીની ઉંમર વચ્ચે કેટલો તફાવત હોવો જોઈએ? વિજ્ઞાન શું કહે છે?

The above ideal age difference keeps the attraction alive between husband and wife, they do not feel distance from each other, which makes their relationship flourish.  Also, women become responsible earlier than men, so they can handle even if they are younger than men.

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