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Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Should both fan and AC be running together or not? Benefit or loss of running fan with AC? The US Department of Energy says that running the fan with the AC is beneficial.

Should both fan and AC be running together or not?  Benefit or loss of running fan with AC?  The US Department of Energy says that running the fan with the AC is beneficial.

 Should both fan and AC be running together or not?  Benefit or loss of running fan with AC?  So let me tell you what is the benefit... The US Department of Energy says that running the fan with the AC is beneficial.  Now to understand how this advantage is achieved you must first understand how a fan works.  The fan throws the upper air down and the entire room feels the breeze and now when the AC is on in the same room the AC will cool the room.  Now when the fan is on there will not be a single corner that will have warm air in the corner, the air in the whole room will be cooled

When the fan is on with the AC, the air gets a little cooler due to which the temperature of the AC has to be kept lower by two to three degrees, which is good in the end as this will save electricity and ultimately save you money.  An AC consists of an outdoor unit and an indoor unit, the job of the outdoor unit is to cool the heat, while the job of the indoor unit is to handle the different controls of the AC.

પંખો અને AC બંને એકસાથે ચાલુ રાખવા જોઈએ કે નહીં? AC સાથે પંખો ચાલુ રાખવાથી ફાયદો થાય કે નુકસાન? યુએસ ડિપાર્ટમેન્ટ ઓફ એનર્જીનું કહેવું છે કે AC સાથે પંખો ચાલુ રાખવાથી ફાયદો થાય છે.

જો દોઢ ટનનું AC દરરોજ 8 કલાક ચાલે તો વીજળીનું બિલ કેટલું આવે? દર મહિને કેટલો ખર્ચ થશે?

Suppose the temperature is set to 23, then when the room temperature reaches 23 degrees in the sensor of the indoor unit, the outdoor unit will stop its compressor.  And when the room temperature rises again, the compressor will start automatically.  This is how AC works.  So now you have calculated that if the room gets cold soon, the compressor of the outdoor unit will stop and electricity will be saved.  In short, keeping the fan on with the AC is a benefit.

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