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Monday, August 12, 2024

The sight of meteors will be seen in the sky from 8 pm tonight

 The sight of meteors will be seen in the sky from 8 pm tonight

This 12th and 13th August, a special sight will be seen at the shooting stars gathering.  Astronomer of Planetarium Amar Pal Singh said that these amazing views started from around 8 pm.  Will start appearing.  However, it is important to keep in mind that this sight of meteors is merely an optical illusion.  In fact the stars are far away from us.  In such a situation the question arises that what is the science of these fallen stars?

If you are interested in space science, then the view on Sunday night can be amazing for you.  This time, on 12th and 13th August, there will be a special spectacle of shooting stars coming together.  Astronomer Amar Pal Singh of Veer Bahadur Singh Planetarium said that  Amazing views will start appearing from around 8 pm.  But this meteor shower will look very beautiful from the late night of 12th to the morning of 13th.  He said that this time on the night of 12 to 13 August, you saw at least 60 to 100 shooting stars in an hour.  Can, although the basis for showing it depends on the environment.


29/8/2024 માટે શાળાઓમાં રજા બાબતના પરિપત્રો

28/08/2024 Latest updates

ગુજરાતમાં ભારે વરસાદના એલર્ટ વચ્ચે તંત્રએ ,`સમગ્ર રાજ્યમાં 28 ઓગસ્ટે તમામ શાળાઓમાં રજા જાહેર

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક 

તા.28 ઓગસ્ટ નાં રોજ પ્રાથમિક શાળાઓમા શૈક્ષણિક કાર્ય બંધ રાખવા બાબત દાહોદ  લેટર વાંચવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

28/8/2024 ના રોજ શાળાઓ શરૂ રાખવા કે બંધ કરવા બાબત

The meteor shower that occurs in the month of August is also called the Perseids Meteor Shower, because it  The meteors appear to come from the Perseus constellation.  The point in the constellation from which meteors are seen coming is called a meteor in the language of astronomy.  Radiant Point is called.  But it is important to keep in mind that this view of meteors from a single point in the constellation is only a  It is an optical illusion.  In fact, the stars are very far away from us, but meteors are excited only when they  Reaches about 100 to 120 kilometers above the atmosphere, meteor shower may be related to some comet.  

માનનીય વડા પ્રધાનશ્રી ની કર્મચારી મંડળો સાથે બેઠક બાબત સમાચાર

 સરકારી કર્મચારીઓ માટે આવી શકે છે સારા સમાચાર

 આવતીકાલે દેશના તમામ કર્મચારી સંગઠનો સાથે વડાપ્રધાન ની બેઠક

 પેન્શન, એનપીએસ સહિતના અનેક મુદ્દા ઉપર થશે ચર્ચા

 અનેક રાજ્યોમાં જુના પેન્શનને લાગુ કરવાની થઈ રહેલી માંગ ઉપર પણ થશે ચર્ચા

 વડાપ્રધાન સાથેની બેઠક બાદ થઈ શકે છે  મહત્વની જાહેરાત

Source : Gujarat Samachar

પૂરા સમાચાર વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

મુખ્ય શિક્ષકો તાસ ફરજીયાત લેવા બાબત ન્યુઝ

બાળકોની જેમ શિક્ષકોની રોજ સીઆરસી હાજરી પૂરશે.....

What is the science of shooting stars? - By some comets which are in long orbit around the Sun.  Four people.  Many particles emanating from them keep rotating in their orbit. These small and big sized pieces which are pebbles,  They are made of stones, air, dust particles etc.  When these pieces of space debris enter the Earth's atmosphere, they fall under the influence of gravity.  Due to the force and friction of the atmosphere they shine for a moment and are seen shining in the night sky and  Disappears within a few minutes.  In the language of astronomy it is called a meteor and in common language it is called a shooting star.  Shooting Star says.  Their speed can exceed 70 kilometers per second.

આજે રાત્રે 8 વાગ્યાથી આકાશમાં જોવા મળશે ઉલ્કાઓનો ઉદ્ભુત નજારો

Most meteors burn at a height of 130 to 180 kilometers.  There is a feeling of stars falling in this sky.  Which is also called falling stars in common language.  While in reality these are not shooting stars, in the language of astronomy they are called meteors, which  Some meteor showers occur sporadically throughout the year, but are more visible in some months.

Astronomer Amar Pal Singh said that if you look at the night sky, you can see it through a telescope or other  It will look beautiful even to the naked eye without accessories. (All the pictures shown above are representative)

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