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Friday, January 3, 2025

You can no longer sell old Gold jewelry! Know new rule

If you have old jewelry at home and are thinking of selling it or breaking it down to make new jewelry, definitely read this news. Because the government has made new rules for the sale of jewelry. You can't sell the old jewelry you keep at home unless you get it hallmarked. The government has issued new rules for gold hallmarking, buying and selling of gold.

You can no longer sell old Gold jewelry

Hallmarking of old gold jewelery kept in homes has also become mandatory as per the rules. The new rules state that from April 1, 2023, all gold jewelery and artefacts must carry a Hallmark Unique Identification (HUID) number. However, earlier it was believed that hallmarking would be applicable only when buying new jewelery or gold items.

According to the Moneycontrol report, the government has gone a step further and has now made hallmarking mandatory even for the sale of old jewellery. According to BIS, consumers who have un-hallmarked gold jewelery should compulsorily get it hallmarked before selling it or exchanging it for a new design.

How to get Hallmarking done?

Customers have 2 options to get their used jewelery hallmarked. They can get old, unhallmarked jewelery from a BIS registered jeweller. A BIS registered jeweler will take the unhallmarked gold jewelery to the BIS Assaying and Hallmarking Center for hallmarking. Another option for customers is to get the jewelery tested and hallmarked at any of the BIS-accredited hallmarking centres.

How much money do you have to pay?

For hallmarking if the number of ornaments is 5 or more, the customer has to pay Rs 45 for each piece of jewellery. 200 rupees have to be paid to get 4 pieces hallmarked. A hallmarking center recognized by BIS will examine the jewelery and issue its certificate. Consumer can take this report to any gold jeweler selling his/her old unhallmarked gold jewellery.

Old hallmarks will work

If a customer has hallmarked gold jewelery with old/earlier hallmark marks, it will also be treated as hallmarked jewellery. Gold ornaments already hallmarked with old marks need not be re-hallmarked with HUID number. Such hallmarked jewelery can be easily sold or exchanged for new designs.

એડોલેશન્ટ કામગીરી બાબત લેટેસ્ટ પરિપત્ર

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